News and Updates

August 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Rowland (K7RWB) (Pres. Ken Kosters (W7ECK) not present). Members Present:  Larry Backstrom, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Paul Butzi, Ken Dempsey, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Jeremiah Judd, Jerry Konoske, Ralph Lease, Debbi Lermond, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie, Gerald Repko, John Tharp,...

July 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters (W7ECK). Members Present: Paul Butzi, Larry Backstrom, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Ken Dempsey, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Jim Haviland, Michael Jacob, David Jam, Jeremiah Judd, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, John Lento Jr., Debbi Lermond, Irvini Mizell, Tom Needham, Bengt-Erik...

June 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes June 4, 2015 Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters (W7ECK). Members Present: Paul Butzi, Dick Freiheit, David Jam, Jeremiah Judd, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie. Guests Present: Jim Haviland, Paula Butzi Secretary/Treasurer’s Report – (Barb, K7XIT) • Minutes from...

June 2015 Upcoming Events

Here’s a quick summary of upcoming events in June, with links to additional information: 06/03/15 – Duvall Fun Run Course Marshal Instructional Meeting, SAVE THE DATE 06/04/15 – SnoVARC Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Duvall FS (ELMER: Emergency Communications Hub plan – Cindi Barker, Seattle Hubs) 06/07/15 – Duvall Fun Run traffic control – SAVE THE DATE...

May 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes May 7, 2015 Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters (W7ECK). Members Present:   Larry Backstrom, Sam Baker, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Bob Decker, Ken Dempsey, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Peter Haigh, Michael Jacob, David Jam, Jeremiah Judd, Jerry Konoske, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Jeannette Mandanas,...

Congrats To The Areas Newest Hams!

Congrats to our newest hams! These hams all passed their ham radio license exams with about a week of study, several also achieved their “Amateur General” certificate and one (Congrats, Chris!) also passed his “Amateur Extra” exam.  Several others upgraded from tech to general. If you’re interested in our upcoming preparation classes or exam sessions, keep an...

April 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes April 2, 2015 Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters (W7ECK). Members Present:   Larry Backstrom, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Michael Jacob, Jeremiah Judd, Jerry Konoske, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, John Lento Jr., Irvina Mizell, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie,...

March 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes March 5, 2015 Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters (W7ECK). Members Present:   Larry Backstrom, Sam Baker, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Michael Jacob, David Jam, Jeremiah Judd, Jerry Konoske, Ken Kosters, Jeannette Mandanas, Tom Needham, Dan Pflugrath, Barb...

February 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes February 5, 2015 Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters. Members Present:   Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Ken Dempsey, Lindy Friedlander, Jeremiah Judd, Jerry Konoske, Ken Kosters, John Lento, Mel Ming, Bengt-Erik Norum, Dan Pflugrath, Chuck Powrie, Chuck Woolfolk. Guests Present:  Glendon Pflugrath,...

January 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes January 8, 2015 Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall City Hall by Pres. Dan Pflugrath. Members Present:   Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Bob Decker, Ken Dempsey, Kimberly Engelkes, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Mike Jacob, Jeremiah Judd, Jerry Konoske, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, John Lento, Bengt-Erik Norum, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie,...

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