October 2016 Meeting Minutes

October 6, 2016  


Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by VP Ralph (KC7QXD) (in President's absence)

Members Present:  Larry Backstrom, Jackson Beard, Rowland Brasch, Paul Butzi, Andrew Dahlgaard, Lindy Friedlander, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Debbi Lermond, Dan Pflugrath, Chuck Powrie, Shawn Somers, Chuck Woolfolk.

Guests Present: Deborah Gallaher, Michael Gutmann, Glendon Pflugrath    

Initial AnnouncementsRalph (KC7QXD)

  • Asked who brought credentials to the meeting (most did) and passed out candy from Tom.

Secretary/Treasurer’s Report –  Lindy (KG7IFA)

  • Minutes from the September meeting were reviewed electronically prior to the meeting and approved at the meeting.A motion was made and seconded to approve these minutes.
  • Current Bank Balance $2,160.57 as of September 30, 2016 (not yet presented to CDCCC Board)
  • 2016 Club dues donations (tax deductible*):  Currently 40 members in 2016 (including 1 turned in at the meeting).  Plus we have 1 already paid for 2017.  NOTE: Checks made out to CDCCC may be mailed to CDCCC, PO Box 644, Carnation WA 98014, with membership application (available on Yahoo) – or bring to meeting.

Committee Reports

  • Repeater Task Force / Technical CommitteeShawn (K7ATA)
  • IRLP Status: Finally made contact with Rob (who does the Internet up there with the ATV group).Apparently we need to unplug something that isn't needed and then set up the IRLP.So Shawn will do that when Ken can go up with him in the next 2-3 weeks.
  • Emergency Planning and Mobilization – Rowland (K7RWB)
  • Putting plans together with Tom to do some drills, mini-classes, etc. on some aspect of radio (10-15 min) to get our membership more knowledgeable.This would be within the meeting versus an ELMER.
  • Regional Network: Working with John (Issaquah) to make available the huge list of repeaters and such that John put together.They just need to get permission to distribute the document from each.So it is taking a bit of time. This will be real nice to have in an emergency since it includes HF, VHF-UHF, everything!


  • Education & Community Outreach – Larry (N7ART)
  • Tech License Class: Need helpers to teach various modules for the upcoming class in 10/29 and 11/5.A signup sheet was passed around.Please let Larry know if you are able to help with this.
  • VE Training: Tentatively set up a Nov. 4th training for current VEs.Dave Wickert (Microsoft) is fantastic and will provide a lot of great insight to our VEs.Someone should video this class.
  • Carnation SpacePaul (KG7STV)
  • GP6 antenna is up on the roof, but the coax is running through the window until we can punch a hole in the cinderblock wall for 2" conduit.Rowland will check with the city to see if they will do it.After this is done we will install the loop antenna (mount tuner to the wall and install the loop above the roof).[Lindy will check with Paul regarding the specific equipment that is now in service so that we can begin depreciating the value.This will include the GP6, Kenwood 710, and a power supply.]


Old Business

  • Reaching out to new Hams — Mike (W7GR) not present
  • No status to Dan's recommendation that we should limit the mailing to hams in the area of the Field Treatment centers versus the entire area that Bengt had originally considered.
  • Christmas Dinner — Gerard (KG7REV) not present
  • No status given.Someone asked about the Carnation Cafe' as a possibility.But to have a crowd of 40, they would only be able to offer a limited menu.Shawn will check with Gerard tomorrow to see where he is on this.Perhaps Gerard can look into the feasibility of Carnation Cafe. Canyons was also suggested.

New Business

  • CDCCC Board Meeting Report — Lindy (KG7IFA) for Kathy (K7KJB)
  • Some confusion over the EOC purpose at the drill.We aren't a true EOC, but rather a support unit to the EOC (which would typically be the FD), so we will call our group something like the CDCCC Com Center versus EOC in future drills.
  • It was decided that FRS radio channel 2 will continue to be the default since CERTs are taught this.But we will use other channels (TBD by Tom) for the CERT teams going forward.
  • CSA grants up to $5,000 for unincorporated KC are now being accepted through 11/18.If you have an idea that could benefit this group, check out the link www.kingcounty.gov/exec/community-service-areas/engagement-grants and submit an application.For example, perhaps Mike's idea about a mailing could work if sent to folks outside the city limits of Carnation and Duvall and in the vicinity of our Field Treatment Centers to encourage Ham or CERT training and SnoVARC membership.

    • Shawn suggested also looking for a grant to cover the cost of Ham training and a Bofang radio and membership in SnoVARC to CERTs, although this would likely need to be a grant that could go to city dwellers as well, not just rural.
  • Cheri James at the City of Duvall is looking for volunteers for light traffic control at the Duvall Tree Lighting Event this year.
  • Review of other upcoming dates below.
  • Drill After Action Report — Rowland (K7RWB) for Kathy (K7KJB)
  • Church location of the drill may not be suitable for an actual shelter due to the size limitations for MRC and poor radio communications.A school gym would be much better.
  • Radio frequencies assigned to CERT teams should be different from those assigned to general communications
  • More training in the use of FRS radios
  • Messaging challenges
  • Get portable GP6 on a tripod to move around for better radio coverage.


Open Discussion

  • Earthquake Preparedness ClassRalph (KC7QXD)
  • In regards to Disaster Preparation, winter is fast approaching.Please check your GO kits, Emergency Food supply for a 3-7 day duration, as well as pet food for your animals as well.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.

ELMER SESSION:  Short Presentation on the Plain 100  & PLANNING FOR 2017 — Facilitated by Rowland (K7RWB)

Tentative 2018 PLAN:

January: Newly licensed ham training to program radios etc. — Dan

February: WINLINK (Elwood — Rowland will get the name)

March: Antennas UHF-VHF (Theory; Parts needed to build a directional antenna) — Dan?

April: Build YAGI Antenna for Fox Hunt

May: APRS – Shawn

June: Field Day Prep

July: Fox Hunts – Paul

August: SOTA (Summits on the Air) – Dan

September/October/November — Month based on speaker availability for the following:

1) SDR – JOHN M PETRICH W7FU 2) Historic Equipment – John Morris K7RLD 3) Balloon

December: Dinner


Respectfully submitted,

Lindy Friedlander

Upcoming Events


  • 10/20/16: Carnation “Great American Shake Out” Open House, City Hall, Thursday, 4-8PM
  • 10/18/16: Generator Class; Carnation Fire Department 7PM
  • 10/27/16: Quarterly CERT meeting; Carnation Public Library 7-8:30PM
  • 11/03/16: SnoVARC Meeting, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station; ELMER SESSION: HEX BEAM Presentation by Gordon Bousman
  • 10/29/16 (9AM-5PM) & 11/5/16 (9AM-4PM): Fall Ham Tech Class, Duvall Fire Station
  • 11/12/16: First Aid/CPR Training; Tolt Congregational Church, Carnation, 8:00-4:30 ($35 donation requested)
  • 12/01/16: SnoVARC Holiday Dinner, 6:30PM, Location TBD

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