This is the net control script for the weekly non-emergency net.
[Note for Net Control Stations: Remember to pause and un-key your mike every so often — about once a paragraph, await the courtesy tone, and then continue. Make sure you record every person that checks in by name and call sign. If you did not understand their call sign or what they said, do not hesitate to ask for it again.]
This is KE7GFZ – Kilo Echo Seven Gulf Foxtrot Zulu. Good evening and welcome to the weekly Net of the Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club. My name is [your name/call sign] I’ll be your net control station for this evening’s net.
If this repeater fails, then we will shift to the Carnation repeater at 441.850 + shift and tone of 103.5. If you can’t reach the Carnation repeater directly you should try reaching it via the Carnation repeater crossband at 145.750 with no shift and tone 103.5.
If all Repeaters fail, then we go to 145.590 simplex.
This net is for fellowship, news, distribution of announcements, and for testing the participant’s equipment via the check-in process. Members and visitors are welcome and encouraged to check in and participate.
Stations with emergency or priority traffic may break in at any point.
First, do we have any check-ins via IRLP or EchoLink? Please come now with your call sign, name and location.
Please speak slowly so I may record your information. [Record calls, names & locations]
We will now call for the members of Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club. At the time of each check-in, please state your call sign, name and location and advise if you have any announcements or traffic for the Net.
We now call for Member stations with call suffixes starting with the letter A – M (Alpha through Mike), please come now with your call sign, name and location. [Record calls, names & locations]
Now calling for members with call suffixes starting with the letter N – Z (November through Zulu), please come now with your call sign, name and location. [Record calls, names and locations]
Now calling for members of the Snoqualmie Valley MRC or Snoqualmie Valley CERT. Please come now with your call sign, name and location. [Record calls, names and locations]
At this time, the net would like to invite visitors to check in. Please speak slowly so I can record your check-in. Please come now with your call sign, name and location. [Record names, calls, & locations]
Are there any late or missed check-ins? If so, please come now.
Does anybody have any additional information for the Net or are there any stations wishing after-net contacts?
Take note: the 1st Thursday of the month at 18:15 hours is the SnoVARC business meeting at Fire District 45 Headquarters, station 166, downtown Duvall, Washington. All club members are invited to attend and participate. The Elmer session will be held directly following the business meeting at 19:00 hours. All interested individuals are invited to attend the Elmer session. Details and locations of these events are located on the web at Email is
One reminder: The scheduled Net Control Station for next week’s net is [give name and call sign from NC Schedule]
This concludes the regular operation of the Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club’s weekly net.
This is [your name & call], your Net Control. Please join us again next week. The net is now closed at [give the time] local time, and the frequency and repeater are returned to regular Amateur use.
Good evening from the Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club KE7GFZ – Kilo Echo Seven Gulf Foxtrot Zulu
This is [your call sign] Good Night.