This is the emergency net control script to be used during an actual emergency net or drill.
[Note for Net Control Stations: Remember to pause and un-key your mike every so often — about once a paragraph, await the courtesy tone, and then continue. Make sure you record every person that checks in by name and call sign. If you did not understand their call sign or what they said, do not hesitate to ask for it again.]
This is [your name, call sign], net control station for the Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club Emergency Net. The date and time is [state date and time]. This is a directed emergency net. Unless you have emergency traffic, please transmit only when requested by the Net Control.
When checking into the net please speak slowly and give your call sign using full phonetics, name and location. Also report any traffic you have to Net Control at the time of check in.
Any stations with emergency traffic, please call now.
[Document all traffic with call sign, location]
Any stations with priority traffic please call now.
[Document all traffic with call sign, location]
All other stations with or without traffic, please call now.
[Document all traffic with call sign, location]
Are there any missed or late check-ins? If so please come now.
[You can leave the net open during an actual event and monitor the traffic otherwise you can close it when finished]
I would like to thank all stations that checked in. This is [your name, call sign] securing the Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club Emergency Net at [state date and time] returning this frequency to regular amateur radio use.