The Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club hosts several nets on the Cougar Mountain repeater.
All licensed amateurs are welcome and encouraged to participate in the nets.
Current schedule of nets that are hosted on the Cougar Mountain repeater.
Daily | 7:00am – 8:00am | KBARA Hosted NW Regional/International Net. During this time, the repeater is connected to the KBARA repeater network via IRLP reflector 9075. See their website for details. |
Weekdays | 8:00am – 9:00am | Morning round-table rag-chew. A group of nice folks getting together for informal conversations. |
Thursdays (Every Thursday except for 1st Thursday of the month) 1 | 7:00pm – ~7:15pm | SnoVARC Weekly Check-in Net. A net for announcements, news and equipment testing. Member and visitor check-ins are encouraged. |
Thursdays (2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month) 1 2 | Immediately Following 7:00pm Check-In Net | SnoVARC Thursday Nights at the Round Table. A round-table net discussing a variety a topics. New and experienced hams are welcome. |
Thursday (5th Thursday of the month, if there is one) | Immediately Following 7:00pm Check-In Net | Communication exercise. All hams are welcome to participate in these exercises. The details are communicated on our site as well as during the 8:00pm net proceeding the exercise. |
[1] The first Thursday of each month is the SnoVARC monthly meeting. No evening nets will be held on this day
[2] The third Thursday of each month is Thursday Nights at the Pizza table. All folks who are interested to meet in person and enjoy conversation and Pizza to meet at Red Pepper Pizza in Duvall at 6:00pm