July 2016 Meeting Minutes
July 7, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by President, Ken Kosters (W7ECK).
Members Present: Larry Backstrom, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Andrew Dahlgaard, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Mike Jacob, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Debbi Lermond, Jim Meyers, Irvina Mizell, Tom Needham, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie, John Tharp, Chuck Woolfolk.
Guests Present: Jeremiah Judd, Paul Lemson
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report – Lindy (KG7IFA)
- Minutes from the June meeting were reviewed electronically prior to the meeting and approved at the meeting.
- Current Bank Balance $1,727.59 as of June 30, 2016 (not yet presented to CDCCC Board).
- 2016 Club dues:37 members have paid their dues donation* to date (including those added before & after the meeting). Checks for all those remaining who wish to be members should be made out to CDCCC and brought to the next meeting or mailed with membership application to: CDCCC, PO Box 644, Carnation WA 98014. PLEASE USE THE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ON THE YAHOO Reflector OR SnoVARC Website. (Link on website is now working.)
Committee Reports
- Repeater Task Force / Technical Committee – Dan (KA7GPP)
- IRLP Status: Ken (W7ECK) The computer hard drive for IRLP died.If Shawn can't recover the drive, we'll mirror everything to a new drive.If he can recover the old drive, we'll keep the mirrored drive in the bottom of the case to use if/when future failure.Rowland (K7RWB) Sent 2 emails to Mike about Internet with no response.When we get the drive working again, we'll get Mike to meet with us up there.
- Reminder: Duvall and Cougar both have time and re-back: If you hit '1111', you will get the time of day; if you hit '1234', after you hear 'ready', you can talk and test your equipment and see what you sound like.
- Emergency Planning and Mobilization – Rowland (K7RWB)
- We'll get more planning and drills when he gets back on his feet.
- Cascadia Rising: Biggest problem was acronyms, particularly for Red Cross.Everyone MUST get on ICS so that acronyms and forms are all known.We have a slight modification to the message form, but it is easy to conform to ICS from our form.Others have changed forms significantly so that there was significant confusion as to which form to use.
- Regional Network – John will check to see if we can share list from Cascadia event.
- Education & Community Outreach – Larry (N7ART)
- Suggested we send a mailing to the Technicians in the area to see if they would want to sign up for a General Class.Some discussion as to whether this makes sense.
- Teaching volunteers –We need more trainers, so we'll ask Dave to give a VE class to get more VEs in the club. But you don't have to be VE trained to help teach.We need more volunteers for this.
- Dave said they give membership free for the first year after a person receives their Technician license.This is something we could offer too.Others thought this was a good idea as well.
- Dan (KA7GPP) We need to teach the new Technicians about radios: the fundamentals as well as specifics on several major brands of radios that can be brought in for demonstration.
Old Business
- Duvall Days Fun Run Report – Irvina (KC7YJK)
- All stations were covered.3rd/Stevens & Judd Park had issues with respect to runners going on the wrong side of the street or not enough support. It was a change from last year and may not have been communicated with all the runners.
- Rowland indicated that Net Control could have used some FRS radios to communicate with race officials.
- Carnation 4th traffic control – Dan (KA7GPP)
- We had enough volunteers to have 2 at each intersection.
- The city rented FRS radios so there could be communications with officials, although this necessitated carrying 2 radios.
- Field Day @ Camp Korey Report – Ken K. (W7ECK)
- Although not a big turnout, it was a quality turnout.Some came just to watch and learn, which is great. There shouldn't be an issue using this site next year as long as we explain what we do.
- Ralph (KC7QXD) suggested that next year we spread out some antennas and operation areas to limit distraction
- Carnation Space — Rowland (K7RWB)/Dan (KA7GPP)
- HF/VHF-UHF station Status: Chuck W. presented his prototype for a clamp apparatus to hold the fiberglass masts creating the antenna.He said he planned to make a slight modification to move the platform at the bottom, providing more strength and will powder coat using flat black.He was asked to make the additional 6 clamp assemblies after it is tested with the masts (when they arrive later this month.The plan is to have the station up and running by 7/31.All operating equipment will be placed into service and begin depreciation as of 8/1/16.
New Business
- CDCCC Board Meeting Report — Dan (KA7GPP) & Kathy (K7KJB) – Reviewed upcoming events noted below
- Ice Cream Social on 8/28 to thank all our volunteers.There will be a possible Geo Cashing event.
- Kathy and Teri Breitenbach (CDMRC) observed at the Active Shooter Drill.Communication is KEY.There may be an opportunity for CDCCC to assist and work with parent group during an actual incident.
- Salmoncon — Dan (KA7GPP) QRP guys will get together this Saturday/Sunday.
- Plain 100 race on September 16-18 – Rowland (K7RWB) We now have enough volunteers (35), but come if you want.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
ELMER SESSION: History of the time signal, including WWVB Station History and Q/A – Paul Lemson (W9PL)
Respectfully submitted,
Lindy Friedlander
Upcoming Events
- 07/28/16: CD-CERT meeting – Thursday, 6:30 PM, Carnation Library “Wildfires”
- 08/02/16: National Night Out (Official Date, although we have been asked to assist at McCormick Park, Duvall on 8/6/16)
- 08/04/16: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station; ELMER SESSION: Drill Prep for CDCC Drill in September (ALL)
- 08/27/16: Earthquake Table Top drill (Follow up to Cascadia Rising event and tie into our Fall earthquake drill)
- 08/27/16: Seattle Area VHF Foxhunt, Hamlin Park in Shoreline (RSVP on http://n1qq.com/foxhunt/ — FREE event)
- 08/28/16: Ice Cream Social, Tolt McDonald Park, Details TBD
- 09/01/16: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station; ELMER SESSION: Table Top Disaster Drill (Rowland/Gene)
- 09/16-18/16: Plain Endurance Runs (in Plain, WA) sponsored by the http://www.plain100.com/
- 09/17/16: Full scale drill re: Earthquakes
- 09/19/16: CERT classes, 6:30-9 PM, Duvall Fire Station
- 11/05/16 & 11/12/16: Fall Ham Tech Class (tentative schedule), Duvall