February 2019 Meeting Minutes
Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club
Meeting Minutes for February 7, 2019
Business Meeting called to order 6:15 p.m. Duvall Fire Station 45.
17 members and guests present for business and meeting: Robin Amundson, Kevin Ayres, Jackson Beard, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Paul Butzi, David Faires, Ralph Lease, Mark McCLain, Jim Meyers, Irvina Mizell, Tom Needham, Robert Noonan and son, Rod Rathbauer, Shawn Somers, Kirt White,
Secretary Report—Robin, WA7CPA. November and December Minutes were posted online. Rowland, W7RWB moved for approval. Ralph, KC7QXD, seconded, and Minutes were approved.
Treasurer Report—Lindy, KG7IFA, though absent, supplied the SnoVARC 2018 budget actuals with 2019 Budget. All those who wanted a copy were given a copy. From the agenda, current balance is $4,200.55, although current financials have not yet been approved by CDCCC board. There are so far 22 paid memberships for 2019. There were 51 in 2018. (New application forms with signature and dues check are due every January. Please take care of it. Downloadable off SnoVARC website.)
Committee and Task Force Reports
Repeater task force—Shawn, K7ATA, reported a power outage at the Cougar repeater site, including three commercial stations going off air. We were the last to lose power, lasting approximately one hour after the power failure. This was possible because of the SnoVARC battery backup. The repeater was off for ten hours. The block heater failed, and the site maintenance people inadvertently cut off the power supply. These two things caused the generator failure to start. Shawn recommends we need to add more backup batteries to the repeater UPS. He suggested purchasing them one at a time as budget allows. Shawn also suggested we purchase a new Kenwood repeater for redundancy.
Jim, W7ABD, reported a power failure at the Bell site. He discovered it was due to someone at the site unplugging it.
Emergency planning and mobilization task force—The leaders of this task force were absent from the meeting. No report.
Education & community outreach task force—Irvina, W7IRM, asked how best to recruit instructors for the April technician class SnoVARC will be offering on April 20 and 27. It was suggested Irvina consult with someone involved last year and make personal calls to recruit. Jackson, W7SEA, suggested online ARRL instructor training downloaded from ARRL. The instructor sections are downloadable from ARRL. Robin, WA7CPA, recognized Kirt for his outstanding net control skills leading the Thursday, 7 p.m. new hams net, noting his net has been driving many new guest check-ins to the 8 p.m. net. Kirt, K7KDW, reported on his net and is open to suggestions for ideas. Robin, WA7CPA, announced she plans to host a YL team at her station for the Area 7 QSO party the first weekend in April. The purpose is to encourage YLs to get on the air and have fun with HF modes.
Carnation space—Rowland, K7RWB, suggested asking PSE to add power to Evac Hill as a community service. When evacuated, the children will appreciate having power. The power can supply our communications equipment with a remote from Carnation City Hall. The possibility of installing a radio tower was discussed. Paul, W7PFB suggested installing a backbone from Evac Hill to Carnation Farms. Kathy, K7KJB, said King County has grants available for unincorporated areas and Kathy Lambert supplies information on grant timing.
Old Business—Kathy, K7KJB reminded that CDCCC bi-monthly meetings are intended for every branch of CDCCC (CERT, MRS, SnoVARC) to get used to training together. The trainings are intended to build skills toward a successful annual September drill. Three days prior to this year’s drill, Carnation kids will walk up Evac Hill. It is hoped they will energize their parents to prepare and participation in this year’s drill, in which the entire community of Carnation will be asked to practice evacuating up the hill. The CDCCC bi-monthly meetings are held the second Wednesday in odd months.
Tom asked for floor nominations for Secretary and Vice President, in addition to Robin, WA7CPA for Secretary and Kirt, K7KDW, for VP. There were no other nominations. At the start of the Elmer session, Tom noted no new members (only visitors) had arrived and therefore proposed election of each individual for each office by unanimous ballot. There were no objections.
Tom announced he plans to lead us for the April Elmer session explaining the King County address system and information on portable radios.
New Business—Jackson, W7SEA, on behalf of the Fire District, addressed us about the need for more credentialed radio operators. At present there are only 3 credentialed operators. A King County background check is needed. FD classes will be provided to approved operators. The classes will be taught by Jackson or the Fire Chief. Operators will be trained on the amateur station and on the FD radios. Jackson informed us the National Interoperability VHF frequency plan is downloadable from Homeland Security. Jackson noted budget priority for new radios is a Kenwood D710G, and if funding permits, an Icom IC 7300.
Elmer Session: Shawn, K7ATA, presented an engaging Elmer session on basic electronic components and circuits. He drew on the white board, and called on audience members who shared stories and information. Snap Circuits were passed around as visuals for each component Shawn introduced. Our youngest guest, Rowan, enjoyed building circuits with the set as the topic was discussed.
Upcoming Events
3/4/19 (Except 3/11) Cert Training. Mondays, 6:30-9:00 p.m. Carnation Fire Station.
3/7/2019 SnoVARC monthly meeting, Thursday, 7 p.m. Duvall Fire Station 45, Elmer session will be presented by guest, Robert Fanfant, N7QT, on his October DXpedition to the Ducie Atoll in the Pitcairn group in the far South Pacific.
3/13/19 Carnation-Duvall Citizens Corps Bi-Monthly Meeting, Wednesday, 7-9 p.m., Carnation Fire Station.
3/16/19 Communications Walkabout exercise, Saturday, Details TBD. This year the walkabout will be in Duvall.
4/20, 4/27 SnoVARC technician licensing class and exams. Saturdays 8-5 at the Duvall Fire Station.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Robin, WA7CPA