February 2024 Meeting Minutes
Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes
February 6th, 2024
I. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Tom at 7:00 pm on Zoom.
Members in attendance were:
Tom (WA7TBP) – President, Kirt (K7KDW) – Vice President, Lindy (KG7IFA) Treasurer, Mike (KJ7JNG) – Secretary, Rowland (K7RWB), Colin (W2COL), Konstantin (KK7GCN), Larry (AF7RW), Ken (W7ECK), Bob (KI7RMO)
Tom reminded everyone who has not completed their 2024 annual membership information form to please complete the form and send in your 2024 dues.
II. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes from the meeting that occurred on January 5th, 2024 were approved.
III. Treasury Report and Financials
As of 12/31/23 there was $12,544 in the treasury and SNOVARC had 30 dues paying members for 2024. Lindy noted that it was decided that as of May 1st, she should remove all names from the roster who had not joined last year nor this year. So please renew your membership for 2024 before then, if possible. Member rosters are posted on the club’s groups.io. If at all possible, equipment inventory should be completed by March 1st since we need to declare all the club’s equipment on the club’s insurance policy that will renew in March. We should make all approved equipment purchases by then as well.
IV. Committee and Task Force Reports
Repeater Task Force:
Cougar Mountain Repeater – Tom reported that the UPS equipment that was removed from Cougar and placed in his garage under load has been operating perfectly. Ken says that the controller used on the Cougar repeater cannot detect DTMF tones and this is a serious problem for remote capabilities. Ken requested that the when the UPS under test in Tom’s garage is replaced at the Cougar repeater location, that the controller be replaced as well. Ken suggested that we use the controller being used at the Carnation repeater be swapped with the current Cougar repeater. This would allow club members to troubleshoot the suspect controller at a convenient, easy to access location rather than arranging access and driving to Cougar Mountain to troubleshoot the controller.
Myers Repeater – The internet is now working at the Myers repeater location. The remote capability through IRLP will allow the Myers repeater be able to link with Cougar repeater. Ken is actively working on this project. The project is 95% complete for an IRLP node connection. Audio levels still need to be adjusted before the IRLP node can function.
Carnation Repeater – No change
Emergency Planning and Mobilization:
EYEWARN – Tom, Colin, Rowland and Bob are working on to create a WINLINK form that, during a disaster, will be used to share information with local government agencies.
Education and Community Outreach:
Ham Radio Tech Class – SnoVARC will not host any classes. Tom is requesting that any Hams with VE status to volunteer their time with the Lake Washington Ham Club to assist in Ham test proctoring. Club members are willing to assist new Hams to learn how to program their new radios and show them how to improve their Ham radio skills while using the radio.
Thursday Night Roundtable/Ham Development – Starting next week, the Thursday night net and the Roundtable net will swap start times. Now the SnoVARC Thursday night net will begin at 7pm and the Roundtable net will begin at 8pm.
Equipment Inventory Status:
No change.
V. Old Business
Status of Club Shirts – Sandy’s Duvall Dazzling Designs is still working on getting club shirts in her 2024 catalog.
Mike and Key Electronics Show and Swap Meet – SnoVARC team is undecided if they have any equipment to display at the swap meet. Bob (KI7RMO) will have three tables at the swap meet for the Issaquah team. If anyone from SnoVARC wants to form a cost sharing partnership with Issaquah and place any equipment on the table, feel free to contact Bob.
VI. New Business
Groups.io Reverification Process – No change
Open Discussion – Should we participate in POTA meets? Answer is: “Yes, when it is warmer and dryer.”
Annual Spring CERT Drill – May 18th GMRS Teams and HAM teams relaying traffic at the Carnation Farmers Market
Upcoming Events:
2/19 – CERT classes begin at Carnation City Hall 6:30 to 9:30pm
2/20 – Getting Started in HF via Zoom 6:30 to 9:30; RSVP for zoom link: W7DAO@arrl.org
2/24 – CDCCC (CERT/SnoVARC/MRC) Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 5:30 to 7:30 Riverview Education Center in Duvall
3/5 – SnoVARC Business Meeting Zoom only – 7pm
3/7 – SnoVARC Club meeting Duvall Fire Station ELMER – 6:30pm TBD
3/9 – Mike and Key Electronics Show and Swap MeetMeeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.