January 2025 Meeting Minutes
Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 7th, 2025
I. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Tom at 7:00 pm on Zoom.
Members in attendance were:
Tom (WA7TBP), Kirt (K7KDW) – Vice President, Lindy (KG7IFA) Treasurer, Mike (KJ7JNG) – Secretary, Ken (W7ECK), Colin (W2COL)
II. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes from the meeting that occurred on December 3rd, 2024 were approved.
III. Treasury Report and Financials
As of 1/07/25 there was $7,512 in the treasury. Thank you very much to Kirt for your Microsoft matching funds of 131.25. The club had a lot of expenditures during 2024 including a large repeater purchase that cost $2,300. SNOVARC has 46 dues paying members as of EOY 2024, as well as 15 dues paying members for 2025. Rowland sent out a reminder to all SNOVARC club members reminding them that dues are expected to be received in January of 2025. Member rosters are posted on groups.io.
IV. Committee and Task Force Reports
Repeater Task Force:
Cougar Mountain Repeater – Operating well. Once the new repeater and controller are in place, the DTMF tones should work again for parameter settings and power cycles.
Myers Repeater – Operating well. Mike has been testing it periodically, but would like to use it for the Trilogy Saturday morning net once the IRLP node has been installed into the Myers repeater.
Cougar and Myers repeater controllers will need to mirror each other and the Myers repeater will need to have a IRLP node installed to link the repeaters together. Ken has the software to align the Cougar and Myers repeaters.
Carnation Repeater – Currently residing in the go box and will be relocated to Chuck and Lindy’s home. Once the repeater is placed on Lindy’s home, club members will be needed to perform coverage tests.
Emergency Planning and Mobilization:
EYEWARN – No Changes.
Education and Community Outreach:
Thursday Night Roundtable/Ham Development – No changes.
Equipment Inventory Status – There is club equipment at Lake Joy and at Tom’s house. The club needs to determine if there is equipment that we do not need and could be sold for income for the club. Lindy was added to the Tech Committee so that she had access to the equipment spreadsheet.
V. Old Business
Status of Club Shirts – No Changes.
VI. New Business
Mike and Key Swap Meet – Issaquah has been kind enough to allow SNOVARC to place some equipment on one of their three tables on 3/8. If no one wants to attend the Mike and Key Swap Meet and stand at the table, then we might want to investigate eBay to sell some of the club’s unused equipment.
Field Day discussion – This year we are considering holding Field Day at Valley Camp. There will be a fee to stay in your RV on the property. There will be some field day planning meetings to determine costs.
VII. Open Discussion
The 5th Thursday of the month is approaching and Tom would like to perform an exercise utilizing all our repeaters as well as test how well we can speak to each other over GMRS. All attending the meeting agreed it would be a good exercise.
Colin and Mike discussed utilizing the RADIO MAIL iPhone app to send WINLINK messages with a Mobilinkd TNC 4 over RF. Colin currently uses a Digirig and a Mobilinkd TNC to send WINLINK messages utilizing a hand-held radio as well as a ICOM 2730a. Meeting adjourned at 7:57 p.m