The Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club’s (SnoVARC) goals are two-fold through education and services. First, we endeavor to enhance regional emergency communications and promote amateur radio activities. Second, we aim to advance the contribution of amateur radio in the Snoqualmie Valley, Washington area.
The club is open to all interested in Amateur Radio and GMRS/FRS. Our members interests range from emergency communications to DXing to electronics, antenna construction and much more.
The Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club (SnoVARC) is a program which falls under the umbrella of the Carnation Duvall Citizens Corps Council (CDCCC). As a non-profit 501(3) Corporation CDCCC is a part of a national organization which teaches volunteers about emergency preparedness. Locally the CDCCC includes Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), SnoVARC, Medial Training classes (First Aid/CPR/AED) and FireWise Education. It serves the lower Snoqualmie Valley region including Carnation, Duvall, Fall City and surrounding areas.
Our Mission:
“Through education and services, the Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club will enhance community emergency communications and promote amateur radio activities, thereby advancing the contribution of amateur radio in the Greater Snoqualmie Valley Area.”
Emergency Communications (EmComm) Focus
SnoVARC’s EmComm committee are a group of public service minded amateur radio operators interested in providing reliable and coordinated public service and emergency communications to our local communities and promoting a positive public image of the Amateur Radio Service through professional conduct and radio operating practices.

SnoVARC is affiliated with the Duvall Fire Department and comprised of amateur radio operators who are trained and dedicated to providing radio communications for government agencies, civil-preparedness, and relief agencies during periods of local, regional, or national civil emergencies.
The EmComm committee works to prepare our membership to help our community during a disaster.
Getting Licensed and Additional Education

SnoVARC sponsors and hosts two amateur radio license classes, annually and proctored exam sessions quarterly.Getting licensed is easy and most people can pass the 35 question multiple choice (“Technician”) exam with a little reading and a few hours of study. The FCC eliminated the need to learn morse code in 2006.If you’d like to get started right away, check out our education page.
Connect With Us

We’re on Facebook and Groups.io. Join us there, contact us by email or postal mail, attend a meeting or join one of our on-air nets and see what we’re all about.
General Interest: info@snovarc.org
Rookie Roundtable: rookieroundtable@snovarc.org
Emcomm: emcomm@snovarc.org
- Members of SnoVARC are from your neighborhoods and can help you during emergencies or disasters
- Organized as a committee of the Carnation-Duvall Citizen Corps Council
- The club will be working with Duvall Fire District 45 and Eastside Fire & Rescue to establish a communications network of neighborhood clusters
- The cluster-network will provide back-up communications in the event of disaster-interrupted telephone services
- Donations to the club are tax-deductible as the Carnation-Duvall Citizen Corps Council, Inc. has been determined by the IRS to be a 501(c)(3) organization