March 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

March 5, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters (W7ECK).

Members Present:   Larry Backstrom, Sam Baker, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Michael Jacob, David Jam, Jeremiah Judd, Jerry Konoske, Ken Kosters, Jeannette Mandanas, Tom Needham, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie, Gerard Repko, Chuck Woolfolk.

Guests Present:  Glendon Pflugrath

Secretary’s ReportLindy (KG7IFA) Minutes from February meeting were reviewed electronically prior to the meeting and approved at the meeting.

Treasurer’s ReportLindy (KG7IFA) Bank account balance is $2,727.48 (including a $20 deposit made after the CDCCC Board approved February financial report).

Committee Reports

  • Repeater Task Force / Technical CommitteeDan (KA7GPP) –  
    • The new controller for the Bell’s repeater was programmed to be the same as the one on Cougar Mt.  It will give much more capacity and can add IRLP with RF link.  More detailed discussion and presentation about this and our repeaters operate overall was provided during the Elmer session after the meeting.
    • ACTION ITEM: Bengt (K7ADD) should send information to Ken K. (W7ECK) regarding the router from Microsoft that will be used on Cougar Mt.
  • Emergency Planning & MobilizationRowland (K7RWB) –
    • Will do ACES type messaging exercise for our April Elmer session.  This involves starting a message to the first person, who then receives and transmits the message to the next person, repeating until all people have received and sent the message.  This will take approximately 30 minutes and is a better exercise than the traditional reading of messages for people to write down.
    • Regarding grants: Rowland said he was giving up on the tribe grant request.  He   looked into  However, the emergency category contained primarily individuals in need of help for one reason or another.  It didn’t seem like our request would fit.  So he will hold off on that for now.  Instead, Rowland is pursuing a PSE grant.
  • Education & Community Outreach – Bengt (K7ADD) –
    • License Classes scheduled.  Bengt wasn’t present, so no status was provided.

Old Business

  • The KE7GFZ Weekly Net (Thursdays, except for club night, at 8 pm) is on our 441.825 MHz repeater, positive offset and tone of 103.5 MHz.
  • 2015 Club dues:  27 members have paid to date.  Checks for all those remaining who still wish to be members should be made out to CDCCC and brought to the next meeting or mailed with membership application to: CDCCC, PO Box 644, Carnation WA 98014
  • Pictures of members can be posted on Yahoo.  Just click on ‘Photos’ at the top and upload your picture.  If you don’t like the picture that is there, you can delete it and upload another one.  Lindy (KG7IFA) will be including these pictures in the Roster, which will be posted on Yahoo as well.

New Business

  • Fun Run – Barb (K7XIT).  The date for the event is June 7th.  There is a Traffic Control Class on April 25th (see dates below).  Rowland (K7RWB) brought up the issue of the traffic circle.  Apparently it is very dangerous.  If it can be removed from the run, that would be best.  If not, there will need to be more signs and volunteers to help with that area.
  • New Facebook page for SnoVARC is up and running.
  • is a digital network for ham radio use.  So even if Internet fails, individuals can communicate between the computers that are hooked up.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.


ELMER SESSION:  Controllers programming and overview of how a repeater system operates  – Dan (KA7GPP)


Respectfully submitted,

Lindy Friedlander, Secretary


Upcoming Events

  • 03/17/15 – CDCCC Board Meeting, Tuesday, 6:30 Duvall Engineering
  • 03/21/15 – Microhams Digital Conference, 8:30-5:00 Microsoft Campus, building 37
  • 03/28/15 – Technician Ham Radio Class (1st day), 9:00-2:00 Duvall Visitor Center
  • 04/02/15 – SnoVARC Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Duvall FS  Elmer Session:  Message passing Drills (EmComm)                    
  • 04/04/15 – Technician Ham Radio Class (Final day), 9:00-12:00; Exam 1-2;  Duvall Visitor Center
  • 04/04/15 – First Aid/CPR Class, 8:00-4:30, Tolt Congregational United Church of Christ
  • 04/04/15 – CERT Refresher, 2 hours in the morning, Location TBD
  • 04/25/15 – MRC Refresher, Carnation Fire Station, morning
  • 04/25/15 – Traffic Control Class, Carnation Fire Station, afternoon
  • 06/07/15 – Duvall Fun Run traffic control – SAVE THE DATE
  • 06/25/15 – Field Day at Camp Korey – SAVE THE DATE

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