January 2016 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters (W7ECK).

Members Present:  Larry Backstrom, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Paul Butzi, Bob Decker, Ken Dempsey, Lindy Friedlander, Gary Haines, Jim Haviland, Mike Jacob, David Jam, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Marc Miller, Irvina Mizell, Tom Needham, Bengt Norum, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie, Shawn Somers, Chuck Woolfolk.

Guests Present:  Seth Gerou

Secretary/Treasurer’s Report –  Lindy (KG7IFA) 

⦁    Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed electronically prior to the meeting and approved at the meeting.

⦁    Current Balance $3,585.80 as of December 31, 2015.  The report has not yet been approved at a CDCCC Board Meeting.

⦁    2016 Club dues:  18 members have paid their dues donation* to date. Checks for all those remaining who wish to be members should be made out to CDCCC and brought to the next meeting or mailed with membership application to: CDCCC, PO Box 644, Carnation WA 98014. PLEASE USE THE NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ON THE YAHOO SITE OR ASK LINDY TO EMAIL A COPY.  
⦁    A question was asked about using PayPal to pay dues.  Lindy said we shouldn't do that for 2 reasons: there are fees and we need the annual form filled out because of the waiver.  Shawn incorrectly thought there weren't fees.  But the PayPal website clearly states non-profit fees are 2.2% plus $.30 per transaction.  And we have experienced this charge when Rowland used the PayPal link while testing it for the website.  

⦁    It was noted that the call sign logo on the application needed correction.  Bengt will send an update to Lindy to upload a corrected version of the application to the Yahoo site.

Committee Reports 

⦁    Repeater Task Force / Technical Committee – Dan (KA7GPP)

⦁    Both repeaters are working well.  There is more activity from other groups on Cougar repeater.  But so far everyone has been very respectful.
⦁    ECHO and IRLP are almost ready… probably a couple weeks away.  When it is ready, Dan will put something out to tell everyone how to use it. And there will be an Elmer session a little down the road which will provide more detail.
⦁    Emergency Planning & Mobilization – Rowland (K7RWB)   

⦁    Grant status: After spending a couple hours on the GoFundMe site, Rowland decided it isn't worth pursuing at this time because our request wouldn't be able to compete with the more intense requests for funds to help with more emergency situations.  So for now we will be patient and wait to hear back from the Tribe.  This second version was significantly shorter (with help from Jeff Madden, an experienced grant writer).  But we could still shorten it even more in the future.  If we are rejected again by the tribe, then we will pursue other avenues.   
⦁    Message Drill for the March meeting.

⦁    Education & Community Outreach – Bengt (K7ADD)   

⦁    Tech License Class —  Bengt will be around for a week and then gone again for a month or so.  He is happy to help teach in a Spring class, but we need volunteers to do the logistics. Volunteers should contact Bengt to get together and set something up.

⦁    VE Session — Last month Dan said we should run two sessions next year, but we'll need to assign someone to it.  Bengt can give advice but is too busy to head up.  No further discussion at the meeting.

⦁    Website — We have two sites right now: the original one SnoVARC.org and the new one SnoValleyARC.org.  The new one uses a new web interface that is much easier to update.  It was decided that we will keep the new one and eventually let the old one go.  However, before we do, Bengt requested that folks review the old site to see what we should move over that isn't currently in the new site (pictures, links, etc.).  So please review the old site and get input to Bengt and Rowland.  Since Bengt will be here for a week, he can show interested folks how to update the site before he goes away.

Old Business

⦁    KE7GFZ Weekly Net on 441.825 MHz, positive offset and tone of   103.5 MHz

⦁    Carnation Space — Rowland (K7RWB)  Several members met at the space last week to put together the shelves that Chuck W (KF7PQL)  picked up from Lowe's and to plan the use of the space.  In the near future Dan will bring the equipment currently stored at his house.  Mike (KG7MXB)  suggested building counters for work space and would like some volunteers to help since it is heavy work.  Please contact Mike if you are willing to help.

⦁    Club funds spending Discussion — Dan (KA7GPP)   

⦁    Shawn (K7ATA) is still putting together a proposal (with budget) for Pelican Case to set up full portable HF station in a box for Carnation space and eventually a second one in Duvall (since Carnation could flood).  Dan suggested that after we have one case set up, we should do a mobile HF/VHF station before setting up a second Pelican Case HF station. Bengt has 2 Pelican 1650 cases (100 watt) for our use.

⦁    Dan said the donated TS 820 Kenwood radio needs to be repaired ($400-$500) before it can be used.  

New Business 

⦁    CDCCC Board Meeting Report – Dan (KA7GPP)  There will be another quarterly CERT meeting on 1/28/16 (see below).  Dan will be giving his FRS radio presentation and Tom will be doing messaging.  Kathy announced the Generator Safety Class had been rescheduled for 1/19/16 (see below).

⦁    Barb (K7XIT) has been coordinating the Net Control for the past few years and would like to turn over the job to another club member.  Rick (KB7CIN) volunteered to take this over.  THANK YOU RICK!

Meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm.

ELMER SESSION:  "HT Explained".  Dan (KA7GPP) will review the 4 pieces of information required to program your HT: Frequency, Tone, Offset direction and Offset frequency.  This will be followed by a hands-on exercise. 

Respectfully submitted,
Lindy Friedlander

Upcoming Events 

⦁    01/19/16: Generator Safety Class, Wednesday 7:00-9:00PM, Carnation Fire Station
⦁    01/28/16: CDCERT Meeting – Thursday, 6:30-8PM. Carnation Library 
⦁    02/20/16: First Aid/CPR Class – Saturday, 8AM-4PM, Tolt Congregational Church
⦁    02/29/16: Spring CERT class starts – Monday, 6:30PM, Carnation fire station

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