September 2020 Meeting Minutes



Tom (WA7TBP)

Paul (W7PFB)

Lindy (KG7IFA)

Howard (WA1HEM)

Shawn (K7ATA)

Rowland (K7RWB)

Robin (WA7CPA)

Kirt (K7KDW)

Tom (WA7TBP) called the regular business meeting to order at 18:18

Tom moved to have the minutes from the month entered into record. Paul (W7PFB) motioned to approved. Howard (WA1HEM) seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.

Lindy (KG7IFA) gave a finance update. The Snovarc account has a positive balance of $9573.59. Tom noted that they are still working out what equipment needed to be purchased.  Rowland (K7RWB) motioned to approve the finance report. Paul seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.

Shawn (K7ATA) – Gave an update that Cougar mtn repeater was running well. He got the HAMWAN Dish that was approved at the last meeting.  Also, the new donated Kenwood repeater at Carnation Shack can be found on 441.850 +203.5 and is running 1 watt. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Tom indicated that it was decided not to do DMR due to potential problems with voiding warranty if we hooked it up to Winlink.

Tom asked whether we mount the GP 15 antenna on the Carnation shack roof. Paul suggested that it could be mounted on currently unused mount. Rowland asked if adding the antenna would be approved by the city of Carnation. Paul also suggested running a test to determine if adding the antenna would cause interference with other antennas on the roof. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Tom suggested creating a “Working party” to add a rack to the Cougar Mountain repeater shack. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Tom notified the group that the Hytera repeater was not going to be considered due to its proprietary nature. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Kirt (K7KDW) had no new updates. Robin (WA7CPA) suggested a “Howard and Ryan Net Hour”. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Paul had no new Carnation shack update. Rowland suggested that we test the GP-15 on Evac Hill. He updated the team on getting Full permission to use Red Cross building although we could not use their solar panels.

Howard spoke of the grant writing for Generator and items for Evac Hill that the Emcomm committee was discussing. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Rowland – had no update on the 8900, credentials or swag. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Old business

Tom’s 220 repeater added new LMR flex 400 – antenna at 20ft. 

Tom gave a report on the Third Thursday exercise and was very pleased with the results.

Tom reminded the group that there will be a joint CDCCC online drill on 9/26. 


Robin – discussed she was planning to run the social club meeting. 

Tom closed the regular business meeting at 18:52

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