March 2016 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters (W7ECK).

Members Present: Larry Backstrom, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Mike Jacob, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, John Lento Jr., Irvina Mizell, Tom Needham, Dan Pflugrath, Shawn Somers, Chuck Woolfolk.

Guests Present: Glendon Pflugrath, Colin Williams

Secretary/Treasurer’s Report – Lindy (KG7IFA)

⦁ Minutes from the February meeting were reviewed electronically prior to the meeting and approved at the meeting.

⦁ Current Balance 3,914.29 as of the Feb. 29, 2016 Draft CDCCC Financial Report. The report has not yet been approved at a CDCCC Board Meeting.

⦁ 2016 Club dues: 32 members have paid their dues donation* to date (including those added before & after the meeting). Checks for all those remaining who wish to be members should be made out to CDCCC and brought to the next meeting or mailed with membership application to: CDCCC, PO Box 644, Carnation WA 98014. PLEASE USE THE NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ON THE YAHOO SITE OR ASK LINDY TO EMAIL A COPY.

Committee Reports

⦁ Repeater Task Force / Technical Committee – Dan (KA7GPP)

⦁ Time out timer needs to be changed to 3 minutes for both repeaters. This is a requirement.
⦁ IRLP is ready but not yet hooked up. When ready Dan will put something out to tell everyone how to use it. And there will be an Elmer session a little down the road which will provide more detail.
⦁ Changes to Duvall repeater: If you hit ‘1111’, you will get the time of day; if you hit ‘1234’, after you hear ‘ready’, you can talk and test your equipment and see what you sound like. This will work if you access the repeater through the cross-band as well.
⦁ Emergency Planning & Mobilization – Rowland (K7RWB)

⦁ Grant status: Still waiting to hear from the Tribe.

⦁ Regional Network – Tom (WA7TBP) No response from Redmond or Issaquah, so we will need to figure out how to proceed.

⦁ CERT Communications in the Field — Tom reported that on March 12th CERTs will operate in Net Control environment using FSR radios. Come at 9 a.m. if you want to be a mentor to the CERTs and get information for Windshield Surveys (where you look for trouble).

⦁ Education & Community Outreach – Larry (N7ART) — Responsibility transferred from Bengt (K7ADD)

⦁ Due to Bengt’s increasing responsibilities at Microsoft, Larry volunteered to take on the education role for the club. Rowland suggested we push out the training given this change and look into using Duvall Fire Station for the class.

⦁ After the meeting, Larry communicated the following: “I committed to take on the education role last night when I volunteered at the club meeting. As I said in the meeting, the original April date would not work and I would set it up for early May as Rowland suggested. The fire station classroom has been reserved for the technician class on May 7 & 14th from 8-5. I will teach the technician class using the ARRL lesson and power point modules, but I would like to encourage others to help teach. The test session will be set for May 14th from 3-5pm with walk-ins allowed. I will setup Eventbrite, post the session on ARRL, N7CFO and flyers around town.”

⦁ Ken indicated we should be able to get most of the training and testing done by club members. This is an important step in the club’s growth. We established we had enough extra class VE’s at the meeting for testing and the willingness from Rowland, Tom and Dan. Bengt is also a VE and most likely has some resources that could be utilized.

⦁ Dan suggested that Bengt likely has the PowerPoint and materials that we can use. He also suggested that the VE’s and our club meet and come up with our own strategy for running future VE testing sessions. The folks we had in last time would be good for us to take notes and copy.

⦁ Website — No update.

Old Business

⦁ Carnation Space — Short discussion about the roof and antennas. We need to be careful not to damage the surface.

⦁ Rowland indicated that Jackson will give us GP6 Antenna ($150 value) in trade for others we are not able to use on the roof.

⦁ Equipment needed to build a HF/VHF-UHF station in Carnation — Dan Presented a plan to purchase a number of items (listed below). In addition to the list, we need 80 m. full wave Loop 272 ft. (probably under $25), as well as a real time clock priced around $50. Most items will be purchased from HRO, thus there will be no sales tax. Rowland made a motion to spend $2,000 + or – 10%. Kathy seconded it and it was passed unanimously. (NOTE: An entire spool of the DX-E coax will be purchased for members to buy back the remainder since the price per foot is greatly reduced to around $.30 if an entire spool is purchased.)

Kenwood TMV-71A $370.00   144/440 MHz Dual-Band Mobile Transceiver
Kenwood PG-5G $35.95   KENWOOD Serial 9-Pin Cable For Programming
Heil AD-1-KM $19.00   1 Each headset adapter cables for Kenwood radios
Heil AD-1-Y $38.00   2 Each headset adapter cables for Yaesu radios
Heil PMD-6 $255.00   3 Each $85 each Pro-Micro Dual Headset w/HC-6
SAMLEX SEC-1235M $259.90   2 each $129.95 each 30 Amp Continuous power supply
DX-E DXE-8X $95.00   250 feet RG-8X coax
SGC SG-230 $595.00   SG-230 Smartuner
Total $1,827.80

New Business

⦁ CDCCC Board Meeting Report – Dan summarized upcoming training (see below). He also brought up the fact that the MRC Field Treatment Centers are much like the Emergency Communications Hubs that we talked about in the past. Gene will be looking at changing where people turn out in an emergency. NOTE: There are 12 SnoVARC volunteers for the 6 Field Treatment Centers.

⦁ 2016 Fun Run — Irvina (KC7YJK) SAVE THE DATE: JUNE 5, 2016.

⦁ SnoVARC Facebook Account — Mike (KG7MXB) would like to be added as an administrator (in addition to Rowland and Ken)

⦁ Radio Duvall — Larry talked about the fact that Radio Duvall needs to raise $7500 to get on the air. Given the short range for the station, it is unlikely that there will be sufficient interest for this FM station.

Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm.


Respectfully submitted,
Lindy Friedlander

Upcoming Events

⦁ 03/12/16: CERT Communications in the Field, 9:30AM-11:30AM, Carnation (Tom Needham); 11:45-12:30 Pizza and Review
⦁ 03/29/16, 04/05/16, 04/12/16: 3 Part Seminar Series on Disaster Psychology: Learn how to recognize trauma types, help yourself and others in need to recover, and get vital and necessary assistance; 6-8PM Duvall Library
⦁ 04/07/16: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station; ELMER SESSION: Contact Logging – Ken (W7ECK)
⦁ 04/16/16: Traffic & Crowd Management Class, 9AM-1PM, Carnation Fire Station
⦁ 04/16/16: CERT Refresher Class (Maybe), 2PM-4PM, Carnation Fire Station
⦁ 04/28/16: Quarterly CERT Meeting, Thursday, 6:30-8PM, Carnation Library
⦁ 05/05/16: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station; ELMER SESSION: Operating Modes APRS, Digital, Etc – Ken (W7ECK) & Shawn (K7ATA)
⦁ 05/07/16: Technician License Class (1st day), 9AM-5PM; Duvall Fire Station
⦁ 05/14/16: Technician License Class (Final day), 9AM-3PM; Exam 3-5; Duvall Fire Station
⦁ 06/02/16: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station; ELMER SESSION: FIELD DAY PREP
⦁ 06/05/16: Fun Run, more details TBD

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