February 2015 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

February 5, 2015

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters.

Members Present:   Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Ken Dempsey, Lindy Friedlander, Jeremiah Judd, Jerry Konoske, Ken Kosters, John Lento, Mel Ming, Bengt-Erik Norum, Dan Pflugrath, Chuck Powrie, Chuck Woolfolk.

Guests Present:  Glendon Pflugrath, Marc Miller


Secretary’s ReportLindy (KG7IFA) Minutes from January meeting were reviewed electronically prior to the meeting and approved at the meeting.


Treasurer’s ReportLindy (KG7IFA) Bank account balance is $2,957.88.

  • A motion was approved to increase the spending amount that doesn’t require separate member approval to be $150 (or, $150.01 in the By-Laws).


Committee Reports

  • Repeater Task Force / Technical CommitteeDan (KA7GPP) –
    • The new firmware was updated and is working well. He recommended we get a controller for the Bell’s repeater that is the same as the one on Cougar Mt.  It will give much more capacity and can add IRLP with RF link.  There is DSL & consumer grade switch if Ham link from Bart (Bengt knows him).  We just need the port.  New this would cost $300.  A motion was approved to purchase the new controller from the Red Cross surplus at a cost of $225.  This will be facilitated by Rowland.
    • Dan indicated that he will want additional people involved when they program the new Controller.  This will be done as an ELMER SESSION next month.
  • Emergency Planning & MobilizationRowland (K7RWB) –
    • A summary from the planning meeting was given.  The highlights were that Tom is coming up with some cool net drills.  We want more drills for SnoVARC in addition to the drill(s) with CERT.  Also, Fall City, Monroe, and Sammamish will be involved in communications so the entire valley is involved.
    • Regarding grants: Bob said the Snoqualmie Tribe is having problems, so that our grant application is not being addressed at this time.  Rowland recommended we proceed now with Gofundme.com, as discussed last month.  If we end up getting funded by the Tribe and through Gofundme.com, we just need to make sure there is no overlap in what is being funded.  Dan suggested we keep within the framework of the one dealt with in the past.  He will post this document.
  • Education & Community Outreach – Bengt Norum (K7ADD) –
    • Bengt has now set up  the Technician class to run on two consecutive Saturdays, March 28th and April 4th (9 am – 2 pm), with the exam on the second Saturday from 1-2 pm.  Attendees will be required to purchase the book in advance of the class and read the first few chapters.  The class will be held in the Duvall Visitor Center (the old library).  Bengt will close registration 1 week early so there is time to buy the book and prepare for the class.
    • Dan encouraged members to take the General/Extra exam, which could be taken on April 4th, as well.  He reiterated his interest in running a study group before the class.

Old Business

  • The KE7GFZ Weekly Net (Thursdays, except for club night, at 8 pm) is on our 441.825 MHz repeater, positive offset and tone of 103.5 MHz.
  • 2015 Club dues:  21 members have paid to date.  Checks for all those remaining who still wish to be members should be made out to CDCCC and mailed to CDCCC, PO Box 644, Carnation WA 98014, with membership application – or brought to the next meeting.


New Business



  • Officer Planning Meeting – Results were presented from Officer Planning Meeting to set Elmer sessions for the year, Events, Training, Repeater maintenance and Goals  – Ken K. (W7ECK)  NOTE: The Officer Planning Meeting Minutes were posted on the site.
  • Mel took pictures to supplement those taken in 2012.  Lindy will look into updating the Roster to include pictures.
  • Kathy requested that we add upcoming dates to the bottom of the Minutes and Agenda.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.


ELMER SESSION: How to make the most out of your Go KitGerard Repko (KG7REV) POSTPONED.  Instead Dan (KA7GPP) did a Show and Tell where he presented an inexpensive way to transmit Morse Code.


Respectfully submitted,

Lindy Friedlander, Secretary

Upcoming Events

  • 02/16/15 – CERT Class begins, 6:00 p.m., Carnation Fire Station
  • 02/17/15 – CDCCC Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Duvall Engineering Dept.
  • 02/21/16 – First Aid/CPR Class, 8:00-4:30, Tolt Congregational United Church of Christ
  • 03/05/15 – SnoVARC Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Duvall Fire Station

Elmer Session: Programming the new controller!

  • 03/17/15 – CDCCC Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Duvall Engineering Dept.
  • 03/28/15 – Technician Ham Radio Class (1st day), 9:00-2:00 Duvall Visitor Center

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