June 2017 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Tom Needham (WA7TBP)
2016/2017 Members Present: Larry Backstrom, Terry Beedle, Linda Hanson, Milt Hanson, Paul Butzi, Joe Carpenter, Devlin Crose, Nancy Carpenter, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Ken Kosters, Debbi Lermond, Irvina Mizell, Jim Myers, Tom Needham, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie, Shawn Somers, Ben Thompson, Jake Watrous, Chuck Woolfolk
Initial Announcements – Tom (WA7TBP)
- Welcome/Introductions
- Those who wore credentials were commended
Secretary’s Report – Robin (WA7CPA) Not Present — Lindy covered in her absence
- Minutes from the May meeting were reviewed electronically prior to the meeting. A motion was made and seconded and member vote approved those minutes.
Treasurer’s Report – Lindy (KG7IFA)
- Current Bank Balance $1,484.24 estimate as of May 31, 2017 (not yet presented to CDCCC Board).
- 2017 Club dues donations (tax deductible*): Currently 40 (including 12 during the meeting) 2017 members as of 6/1/2017 as compared with 36 members as of the June meeting in 2016. NOTE: Checks made out to CDCCC may be mailed to CDCCC, PO Box 644, Carnation WA 98014, with membership application which has your signature for the required waiver (form is attached to this agenda) – or bring to meeting.
Committee Reports
- Repeater Task Force / Technical Committee –Shawn (K7ATA)
- Crossband tone will need to be changed because of interference with another crossband. At the meeting the new PL tone was noted to be 165.5. Jim (W7ABD) will make this change on June 2nd [UPDATE: After changing the crossband tone and testing it with Yaesu, Icom, Baofeng and Kenwood transceivers, it was determined that the Kenwood does not support that PL tone. So the tone was changed to 162.2 And this worked.]
- Jim updated the Bell DC power system so that it is now working much better. The charging circuit will need to be upgraded by October.
- Emergency Planning and Mobilization – Ralph (KC7QXD) — Not Present
- No Update.
- Education & Community Outreach – Larry (N7ART)
- Spring Tech Class – There were 9 new techs, as well as some generals and extra upgrades.
- It worked out much better with volunteers teaching some of the modules so that the burden doesn’t fall on one or two people.
Tom said he met with Riverview and asked about interest in a tech class at Stillwater. Maria thought there could be sufficient interest.
- VE Training: No update
- Carnation Space — Paul (KG7STV)
- Nothing new. We still need to get a group together to start using the space.
- Chuck (KF7PQL) has a thought on how to make the clamps more stable by broadening the base. Recall the loop apparatus is leaning and impacted by wind. [Chuck and Paul discussed after the meeting. Paul will take photograph of the clamp apparatus with a tape measure showing the actual measurements so that a solution can be devised.]
Old Business
CDCCC Board Meeting Updates and Upcoming Events (see below) – Kathy (K7KJB) ABSENT – Tom reported in her absence:
- Sand Table Earthquake Exercise last week at the Fire Station. Overall they did reasonably well although lots of people died. This exercise was in preparation for the All Valley 9/30 Earthquake Exercise.
- First Aid/CPR class scheduled for 6/10/17 may have to be cancelled if there are not a sufficient number of people registered.
- Duvall Fun Run – Irvina (KC7YJK)
- Thanks to Jim Myers for stepping up and taking on the role of Net Control for the race. There can be no race without the Net Control. So this was very much appreciated.
- Volunteers have all been sent emails with the map and a list of participants, plus details about each station. More info may need to be added to show on which side of the street the volunteer should stand.
- Jim said we need to use the Bell repeater versus Cougar. So make sure your radios are programmed for that.
- As you know, last year the donation to us for our participation went from $1,000 to $500. This year it is dropping to $0. The argument given is that no other volunteers receive a donation, so we shouldn’t either. But it is still a good exercise to practice skills and it does provide a good community service for a safe run.
July: Fox Hunt Paul (KG7STV) Tom suggested and everyone agreed that the fox hunt should be an easy one to teach techniques and give folks a way to construct a loop to attach to hand held radio.
August: SOTA (Summits on the Air) – Dan (KA7GPP): This is an ad hoc worldwide organization. Any peak 750 ft or more is eligible to provide points (more points for higher peaks), while making radio contacts. Dan takes a 40′ telescoping pole.
- The site is now confirmed to be the same as last year (Carnation Farms) with the same access as last year via code at the gate or radio frequency. Details will be sent out.
- The Tower is not confirmed. But if it is not in use, Ken is sure it will be fine.
- Ken will be responsible for safety. If people want to spend the night, they may. But it is imperative that they clean up after themselves and act responsibly.
- There will be a Friday work party to set up and get everything ready to go. This generally takes about 4 hours. The more people that come to help, the better. Dan recommended that the new people could learn a lot by coming to help set up.
- Bengt (K7ADD) is loaning equipment (valued in excess of $1000). He is working with Ken.
- Potluck dinner (bring food to share) starting around 5 PM on Saturday. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join in.
- Lindy will look up to see what company provided the porta potty and ask Rowland (who has dealt with it before) to order it. Ken needs it by 2pm on Friday. [UPDATE: Last year Ken had handled it instead of Rowland and since Rowland is not available until 6/6, Lindy asked Ken if he could put in the order, and he agreed.]
- We still need to get a mission number. Lindy will contact Gene Laughlin.
- Question was asked about difficulty hearing call signs on the Net. It was suggested to listen to other repeaters to get used to it (or Cougar from 7-8 AM when another group is using it). Also when on our Net, try and write down what you hear even if not Net Control. Head phones also help a lot because they tone out peripheral noise. So bring your head phones to Field Day.
- A side note: We can identify a radio carrier even if just listening in. Also, if you hear an abusive person, do not acknowledge them. There is one particular person who has been abusive on many repeaters.
- FOR NEW MEMBERS: Field Day has been going on for a very long time. It occurs nationwide the last weekend in June every year. The purpose is to measure the ability of our hams to set up a temporary station away from our homes and transmit information back and forth on as many amateur bands as possible (run simultaneously). So if there was a big emergency where we would need to set up a temporary transmitting station away from home, you’d be familiar with the process and the people.
New Business
- June 10 Carnation walk about communication exercise — Tom(WA7TBP)
- There will be CERT/Ham teams set up and maybe an all ham team, depending on who all signs up. If you are a CERT and a ham, you can act as either, depending on what is needed and what you want to learn.
- This year there will be actual forms that will be used to collect real information versus the cards used last year. We are trying to move toward the use of Rapid Impact Survey Forms similar to those used in Issaquah.
- There are other activities occurring on the same day, including the First Aid/CPR class depending on registration. But there is also the Flying wheels Ride, Remlinger Farms 5K race, and Fall City Days Fun Run. But we should probably be fine.
- New folks are encouraged to participate. There is lots to learn from this activity.
- How to help newly licensed hams – Dan (KA7GPP
- We can start a new Net Control on Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. (Cougar repeater) for new hams and anyone wishing to help answer questions or get more practice.
- Don’t worry about making mistakes. This will be a learning experience.
Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
ELMER: Newly licensed hams — Continue one-on-one assistance
Respectfully submitted,
Lindy Friedlander
Upcoming Events
- 06/04/17: Fun Run, more details TBD
- 06/10/17 (8AM-4PM): First Aid/CPR Class, Tolt Congregational Church
- 06/10/17 (8:45 meet at City Hall): Carnation Walkabout for CERTs and Hams: Debrief at Blake’s Pizza following the exercise.
- 06/24-06/25/17: Field Day 2017; more details TBD
- 07/04/17: Carnation 4th of July traffic control: more details TBD
- 07/06/17: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station; ELMER SESSION: Fox Hunt Paul (KG7STV)
- 07/27/17: CERT Quarterly meeting – Thursday, 6:30PM, Carnation Library
- 09/11/17: Start CERT class – Monday, 6:30PM, Carnation Fire Station 85
- 09/23/17: NW Citizen Corps EXPO (incl. Emergency Communications) – Renton Technical College: More details TBD
- 09/30/17: 2017 Region-wide Exercise