May 2017 Meeting Minutes
The 7:00 p.m. meeting was called to order at the Duvall Fire Station by Tom (WA7TBP).
Members Present: Robin Amundson, Larry Backstrom, Paul Butzi, Joe Carpenter, Nancy Carpenter, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Mike Jacob, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Debi Lermond, Irvina Mizell, Jim Myers, Tom Needham, Bengt Norum, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie, Shawn Somers, Ben Thompson, Chuck Woolfolk.
Guests Present: Robin Thompson from the UK, Carol Swanton (KC7RWQ)
Secretary Report by Robin Amundson (WA7CPA): Robin asked for motion to accept April minutes. A motion was made by Shawn (K7ATA) and seconded by Nancy (KI7EMC) and Jim (W7ABD). The motion was approved.
Treasurer Report by Lindy Friedlander (KG7IFA): Lindy reported that after paying club insurance obtained through ARRL the balance of funds remaining is $1,567.03. [Balance calculated after meeting]. There are 28 paid members on April 30 versus 33 paid members in 2016. Paul (KG7STV) made a motion to accept Treasurer’s report. There were multiple seconds. The motion was approved.
.Committee & Task Force Report:
Repeater Task Force:
Shawn (K7ATA) and Jim (W7ABD) said the repeater is working. They discussed the need for some minor modifications, including clamps.
Paul (KG7STV) reported the dead antenna at the Carnation space was replaced with an HF loop. A tuning quirk was discovered. First talk into AM, then tune on SSB because the equipment needs a carrier to tune. Bengt (W7ADD) will write instructions on how to use the equipment at the Carnation site. The task force is working on remote accessibility. The safety/energy ground needs to be improved. Shawn noted QRM from the Sheriff’s nearby office.
Weekly Net:
Ralph (KC7QXD) explained the shortened new script for net control. He wants us to encourage CERTS to check in. Rick (KB7CIN) is the one who sends the package of information by e-mail for net control. Everyone make sure they have the latest script. Rowland and Bengt have access to the website to update the net script.
Education and Community Outreach (Larry (N7ART):
Larry needs instructors for the Day 2 modules of the Technician class on May 20. He expects 22-25 students. He brought the 10 radios he purchased from his own funds to resell pre-programmed and cost to new hams passing the Technician exam. Shawn (K7ATA) volunteered to program the radios. It was noted the club had voted to extend a free 1-year membership to new members passing the Technician class.
Leadership Announcements by Tom (WA7TBP):
The April 27 quarterly CERT meeting included a cribbing exercise.
The Duvall Fire Department space will not be available in July. Tom proposed the July meeting be held at Tolt-McDonald Park with a foxhunt after the meeting. Ken (W7ECK) offered his work venue at Carnation Farms as a possible alternative.
The June 10 Carnation walkabout for CERTS and hams will focus on damage assessment using a form Tom developed. If all goes well both voice and Winlink can be used during the exercise. Participants should meet at City Hall at 8:45 a.m. There will be a hot wash debriefing at Blake’s Pizza following the exercise. Tom promises a wrinkle in the plan to make the day more challenging.
New Business:
June 4 Fun Run: Irvina (KC7YJK) requested traffic control volunteers and sent around a sign-up sheet.
Field Day Discussion: There was a lengthy discussion with questions and answers about Field Day on June 24-25. Ken (W7ECK) volunteered his work venue at Carnation Farms. Bengt (K7ADD) proposed a GOTA station with higher power to give new hams and visitors a good experience. Bob Decker (K7BD) offered the use of his call sign. It was suggested someone organize food coordination and more tables will be needed than were on hand last year. Visitors may come with member hams but the venue is not set up for public access. Ralph pointed out someone needs to order a Sani-Can. Lindy reminded us that a separate mission number should be obtained.
Old Business
Tom (WA7TBP) reviewed upcoming events listed at the bottom of the Agenda.
Elmer: The Elmer meeting was unplanned. During the meeting our guest from the UK graciously answered questions about amateur radio in his country.
Field Day there is a CW Day in June and SSB Day in September. Contesting is fading. Only 1/3 UK hams are members of their national advocacy organization, RSGB. Fewer than .1% new hams are under 25 years old. DMR has replaced D-Star. Bengt noted he was one of the 4 youngest people at Visalia when he went to give his talk. He will write up his experience at the event.
Tom asked for a motion to adjourn, made by Ralph (KC7QXD), seconded by Shawn (W7ATA)
Minutes respectfully submitted by Robin Amundson (WA7CPA)
Addendum of Upcoming Events:
5/13/17 and 5/20/17 (9 am – 6 pm including exam at end of second day) Spring Tech Class, Duvall Fire Station
6/1/17: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday 7 PM, Duvall Fire Station; Elmer Session is Field Day Prep.
6/4/17: Fun Run. CERTs to volunteer for traffic control (Irvina Mizell coordinating). Gene Laughlin organizing volunteers to staff booth in 2-hour shifts.
6/10/17 (8 am – 4 pm): First Aid/CPR Class, Tolt Congregational Church
6/10/17 (8:45 meet at City Hall): Carnation Walkabout for CERTs and Hams: Debrief at Blake’s Pizza following the exercise.
6/24 and 6/25: Amateur Radio Field Day 2017. Details TBD.
7/4/17: Carnation 4th of July traffic control volunteers needed
7/6/17: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday 7 pm
9/30/17: Region-wide preparedness exercise