May 2018 Meeting Minutes
Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club
Meeting Minutes for May 3, 2018
Meeting called to order 7 p.m. Duvall Fire Station #66 by Ralph Lease, KC7QXD, for Tom Needham, WA7TBP
33 members and guests present: Robin Amundson, Larry Backstrom, Terry Beedle, Jessie Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Paul Butzi, Joe Carpenter, Nancy Carpenter, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Linda Hanson, Milt Hanson, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Deb Lermond, Jim Myers, Tom Needham, Dan Pflugrath, Chuck Powrie, Benjamin Thompson, Kirt White, Chuck Woolfolk, Robin Thompson, Rebecca Guthrie, Rich Widdle, Jenn Hargrove, Christopher Snyder, Jacob Grotte, John Grotte, Andy Renk, Andrew Bradnan, Dave Heiser
Note: We had one returning guest from the UK, Robin Thompson, G3TKF. We had 7 newly licensed technicians, including 6 from our recently completed technician class. A few also just completed the spring CERT class. Jenn Hargrove, CERT volunteer, came to present to us about the Duvall Field Days and take volunteer sign-ups.
Greeting, welcome, and leadership announcements:
Leadership announcements
Members who upgraded their license privileges—Our congratulations to Jesse Brasch, W7JEB, for his upgrade to General class privileges. Our congratulations to Debra Lermond, K7DAL, for upgrading to General class and Extra class, passing both exams in the same session.
Secretary Report—Robin, WA7CPA. Motion was made to approve the April Minutes by Dick, AA7Z, and seconded by Rowland, K7RWB. The April 2018 minutes, as published in the IO Newsgroup, were approved by voice vote.
Treasurer Report—Lindy Friedlander, KG7IFA. The most recent bank balance is $2,434, including $330 in repeater fund donations. The Treasurer requested information on four pieces of equipment that may have been sold during the Mike and Key swap meet.
Member dues for 2018 and the annual written liability waiver need to be turned in. Please make the checks out to CDCCC and mail to PO Box 644, Carnation, WA 98014. The link to information on joining the club and the form is at
Committee and Task Force Reports
Repeater task force—Jim Myer, W7ABD, for Shawn, K7ATA. Jim reviewed the events of the Cougar repeater going down with the RF amplifier failing. Jim led the effort to research our options and did the repair and replacement work. Jim highlighted the fact that the evening the repeater went down, on a Thursday evening before our 8 p.m. net, net participants adhered to our backup plan, moving to our alternative frequency. That was a positive drill for an actual emergency.
We purchased a new repeater control for the Bell site and will install it now that the new Cougar amplifier has been installed.
No information on when the work party to move the Cougar repeater from its current building to the new building will need to take place.
Emergency planning and mobilization task force—Ralph, KC7QXD. Ralph reiterated the successful net check in on the evening the repeater amp failed, with everyone QSYing to the pre-planned frequency.
Education & community outreach task force—Larry, N7ART. Larry reported the April 21/28 technician class netted 5 new general class licensees, 1 new extra class licensee, and 17 new technician class licensees.
The new hams net continues weekly on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. with Dan, anticipating a surge of new participation with newly licensed technicians checking in.
Carnation space—Paul, W7PFB, explained the Carnation space to the new licensees. Saturday training opportunities with Jim (3rd Saturday of each month, 10-12) at the club shack were discussed. The new GP-15 Comet antenna has been waiting for good weather to be installed.
Old Business
CDCCC Board meeting updates and upcoming events—Kathy, K7KJB, was absent, no report. Ralph read through the upcoming events.
Field Day—Ken, W7ECK, confirmed the Field Day site at the open cow shed on the hill at his employer, Carnation Farms. Ralph, KC7QXD, explained Field Day to the newcomers.
Grant Update—Paul, W7PFB, reported on 100 Women Who Care grant. SnoVARC was not selected. Deadline for new application is Monday, May 7, 2018. Paul will make changes based on the Duvall Rotary grant that we received and resubmit the application for consideration for the coming quarter.
Duvall Days—Jenn Hargrove, CERT volunteer, visited the meeting to explain the Sunday, June 3 Riverview School District Fun Run event and get licensed amateur radio operators signed up to work traffic control and communications. Jim, W7ABD asked if an outdoor net control station can be set up at a quiet vendor booth. Ken, W7ECK, suggested an APRS live GPS satellite tracking station via radio for chase vehicles. A sign-up sheet was passed around for volunteers. Tom WA7TBP, suggested new hams paired with an experienced ham at the event stations. There was extensive discussion about the event. The event frequency will be 443.250.
New Business
Code Red/CERT: Ben, KG7BTU, reported Code Red is being deployed by King County with phone, text, and email alerts to participants. He suggested SnoVARC should identify who should be on the list. He also indicated we designate FRS frequencies for non-licensed volunteers.
New Ham Gathering: Robin, WA7CPA, announced a gathering for newer hams during Dan’s Newbie Tech net. The first gathering will be at McCormick Park commencing at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 15, 2018 for the purpose of informally welcoming newcomers into the hobby, learning what they need, finding elmering resources, and helping them field program their radios and get on the air during Dan’s net. Robin will send email invitations to those who went through the SnoVARC tech classes 2016-2018 who are also found in the database as living in the area. All SnoVARC hams are invited to attend to meet, greet, and elmer the newbies. Future gatherings and gathering places will be determined by the interests and suggestions of attendees.
Plain 100: Deb, K7DAL, announced the race locate in Plain, WA needs radio help. Ralph, KC7QXD, gave a 15 minute explanation of the event. Tom, WA7TBP, explained the ARRL Wilderness Protocol for checking the national simplex calling frequency, 146.52 at the top of the hour to listen for anyone needing backcountry assistance.
Elmer Session: Intention was to Elmer newly licensed technicians on an individual basis after giving them a chance to tell us what they are interested in and need from us, but we ran out the clock telling war stories, instead. The business meeting lasted 60 minutes instead of the planned 20-30.
Upcoming Events
May 5, 2018: Traffic and Crowd Management class at the Carnation Fire Station from 8:30-12:30 a.m.
May 9, 2018: CERT bi-monthly meeting, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Location is Lake Joy Fire Station. Topic will be “Dig in the DERT”
June 3, 2018: Duvall Days Race and pancake breakfast table (traffic management needed)
June 7, 2018: SnoVARC meeting, Thursday, 7 p.m. Field Day preparation
June 23-24, 2018: Field Day, Carnation Farms, Details TBD
July 4, 2018: Carnation event traffic management needed
July 5, 2018: SnoVARC meeting, Thursday, 7 p.m. Elmer session is alternative sources of power for radio by Shawn, K7ATA
August 2, 2018: SnoVARC meeting, Thursday, 7 p.m. Elmer session is directional antennas and foxhunt facilitated by Dan, KA7GPP
September 22, 2018: CDCCC Disaster readiness exercise
Minutes respectfully submitted by Robin Amundson, WA7CPA