October 2018 Meeting Minutes
Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club
Meeting Minutes for October 4, 2018
Business Meeting called to order 6:15 p.m. Duvall Fire Station #66 by Tom Needham, WA7TBP.
16 members and guests present for business and/or Elmer session: Robin Amundson, Paul Butzi, Joe Carpenter, Nancy Carpenter, Bill Condon, Lindy Friedlander, Louis Giliberto, Linda Hanson, Milt Hanson, Ken Koch, Ken Kosters, Tom Needham, Shawn Somers, John Tharp, Kirt White, Chuck Woolfolk
Secretary Report—Nancy, KI7EMC, made motion to accept September Minutes as posted on Groups.io. Joe, KI7EMB, seconded. Hand vote approved.
Treasurer Report—Lindy, KG7IFA, reported current balance is $2,899.47, including Microsoft donation from Kirt’s, K7KDW, participation in meetings and events. The total balance includes $525 in restricted funds from the Rotary grant for the repeater and another $212.94 of restricted repeater support from donations. (The original Rotary grant total was $1,000). Shawn noted after the second controller is paid for the balance of restricted funds will be needed for coax cable at the repeater site on Cougar Mountain.
Member dues for 2018 and the annual written liability waiver need to be turned in. Please make the checks out to CDCCC and mail to PO Box 644, Carnation, WA 98014. The link to information on joining the club and the form is at https://snovarc.org/join/
Committee and Task Force Reports
Repeater task force—Shawn, K7ATA. Shawn will inquire about Internet service on Cougar Mountain provided by ExcelNet. He will ask if they will donate service to us as a non-profit organization. Shawn said the Internet service could provide a crosslink with the Bell repeater.
Emergency planning and mobilization task force—Joe, KI7EMB, reported no activity or new information.
Education & community outreach task force—There was discussion about setting a date and place for a VE Internet study and online test-taking session. Shawn, K7ATA, subsequently announced on the Groups.io a date set at the Carnation shack. There is no replacement, so far, for the Tuesday new hams net.
Shawn, K7ATA, will stop the Tuesday ball field gatherings and newbie net reminders on Groups.io.
Carnation space—Paul, W7PFB. A few people are needed for work on the roof when weather permits.
Old Business
Grant Update—Paul, W7PFB. SnoVARC lost out on a 100 Women Who Care grant again to another very worthy cause, pediatric stroke victims. There is a Kiwanis Snoqualmie grant available for application.
September 22nd disaster readiness exercise results— Tom, WA7TBP. Tom gave his assessment of the overall performance with some specific callouts of good radio work to Paul, W7PFB, Irvina, KC7YJK, and John, AF7AM.
Upcoming Club Meetings—
New Business—Robin, WA7CPA, was “voluntold” to organize the holiday party at Ixtapa Redmond Ridge at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, December 6. The reservation was made and signups are in progress.
7 p.m.
Elmer Session: The Elmer session was a planning meeting of ideas for future monthly meetings throughout the coming year. Ideas presented: FT8; RTTY; IC-7300; Winlink,; HamWan; Compare HT features/list of features/desireable features; simple circuit diagrams; D-Star/Fusion/DMR-“can you sell me on one?”; Cougar repeater features; CW; Tower construction; Grounding and bonding, RF, safety; Ducie Dxpedition; Basics of HF station setup.
Adjournment: Nancy, KI7EMC, made a motion for adjournament at 8:20 p.m.
Upcoming Events
11/1/2018 SnoVARC monthly meeting, Thursday, 7 p.m. Duvall Fire Station, ELMER session is building 72-hour go bags.
12/6/2018 Annual SnoVARC holiday party, Ixtapa Restaurant on Redmond Ridge, 6:30 p.m. RSVP to wa7cpa@gmail.com or on SnoVARC Groups.io.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Robin, WA7CPA