May 2019 Meeting Minutes
Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club
Meeting Minutes for May 2, 2019
Business Meeting called to order 6:15 p.m. Duvall Fire Station 45 by Tom, WA7TBP.
25 members and guests present for business and meeting: Robin Amundson, Jenn Ash, Paul Butzi, Paula Butzi, Bill Condon, Kimberley Engelkes, David Faires, Lindy Friedlander, Louis Giliberto, Ken Koch, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Erik McFarland, Ryan McClure, Irvina Mizell, Jim Myers, Irvina Mizell, Tom Needham, Robert Noonan, Rowan Noonan, Chuck Powrie, Dale Smith, Shawn Somers, Kirt White, Chuck Woolfolk.
Secretary Report—No corrections or additions to the April Minutes were requested. Approved by voice vote.
Treasurer Report—Lindy, KG7IFA, reported the April ending balance is $3,705.86, not yet approved by CDCCC board (and not including the dues from those joining at the meeting). There are currently 33 members, including the 3 joining at the business meeting. Another 2 joined at the regular meeting/Elmer. So we are now at 35 members. Recall last year there were 51 members. Discussion about waivers on membership forms being a barrier to new members. Are the waivers really necessary given we have insurance, was the question to be answered. (New application forms with signature and dues check are due every January. Please take care of it. Downloadable off SnoVARC website.)
Committee and Task Force Reports
Repeater task force—Shawn, K7ATA,
Emergency planning and mobilization task force—Portable repeater is fully operational and has been added to our equipment insurance policy. We were not charged additional charges because we are allowed to add up to $2,000 in replacement value during the plan period. So we are close to that amount now after adding the portable repeater and the Mikrotik router. Cougar and Bell repeaters are both running well. Bell repeater will need to move in the near future. The Cougar voice chip needs replacement.
Education & community outreach task force—Irvina, W7IRM, commented we should in the future approve a budget for refreshments during the technician classes. This cost should not come out of the volunteer coordinator’s pocket. Irvina declined to apply for reimbursement on principle it was not approved ahead of time. There will be a hot wash to debrief on the technician training, meeting on May 7 at 1830 hours at Red Pepper Pizza in Duvall. There were 14 new techs passing the test!
Duvall Days volunteers are needed and a sign-up sheet was passed around.
Kirt, K7KDW, continues to run a growing new ham net at 7 p.m. on Thursdays except for meeting nights. There was a question as to whether it would be advantageous to start the new ham net a little earlier or start the regular net a little later. The former was thought to be less disruptive. Kirt and Robin will coordinate weekly Big Rock gatherings and a Saturday breakfast social.
Robin, WA7CPA, is hosting a YL event at her home to give YLs experience on air HF bands during the Area 7 QSO party on the first Saturday in May. YLs inside and outside the club are invited. Even non-licensed YLs can get on the air with a licensed control operator and have fun together.
Carnation space—Still need to take down the HF loop antenna and put up the JPole antenna (Tom has it currently)
Old Business—
Field Day location is now officially the Big Rock ball field. A small group met to see if it would work. We will use solar batteries and generators for power.
New Business—
Elmer Session: Irvina, W7IRM, led the Elmer session for the newly licensed hams needing help field programming their Baofeng HTs. She prepared a Powerpoint and employed volunteers to give one-on-one help to our newly licensed hams.
Upcoming Events
5/14-16/2019: Told Dam Failure Simulation Exercise, Duvall.
5/18/2019: Crowd & Traffic Class, Saturday, 8:30-12:30 Carnation FD (register on Eventbrite on CDCCC Facebook page) This is helpful for Duvall Days Run traffic control.
6/1/2019 Duvall Days. SnoVARC radio volunteers needed.
6/2/2019 Duvall Days Run & Pancake Breakfast. Duvall radio days volunteers needed.
6/6/2019 SnoVARC meeting, Duvall Fire Station, business meeting at 6:15, Elmer session at 7:00 p.m.
6/22/2010 Field Day. Field Day officially begins Saturday June 22, 11 am local, running to 11 a.m. Sunday, June 23. SnoVARC will be at Big Rock Park, Duvall. All welcome. Some set up will occur on Friday afternoon. Final setup begins prior to Saturday start time. Please attend June meeting for planning.
Weekly Reminder: New ham net Thursdays at 7 p.m., except for first Thursday meeting nights. This is followed by 8 p.m. equipment check-in nets except for first Thursday meeting nights.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Robin, WA7CPA