June 2020 Meeting Minutes
SnoVARC June 4th, 2020 Business Meeting Minutes
Tom (WA7TBP), Jim (W7ABD), Howard (WA1HEM), Paul (W7PFB), Ralph (KC7QXD), Irvina (W7IRM), Kirt (K7KDW), Robin (WA7CPA), Rowland (K7RWB)
Tom (WA7TBP) called the business meeting to order at 18:04
Tom gave the treasurers report, in the absence of the Treasurer, Lindy (KG7IFA), indicating that there was a balance of $9,271.51 in the SnoVarc account. Tom also indicated that the May account was not yet approved by the CDCCC board. A conversation ensued regarding potential use of funds for a new repeater. No Motions were made.
Jim (W7ABD) mentioned that he raised the Bell repeater antenna up to 67ft significantly improving its reachability. A conversation ensued. No Motions were made.
Howard (WA1HEM) gave the EmComm report. Discussion ensued around actively including 6m and 10m bands in the SnoVARC EmComm frequencies. Tom suggested 52.56 FM, 10.42 USB to be our frequencies. No Motions were made.
Irvina (W7IRM)- Finished class. Monday will be hot-wash. 1 student (Art) made it all the way through. He will be taking online test. Create questionnaire as to why other members dropped out.
Robin (WA7CPA) reported on the new VHF repeater on Union Hill 442.325 103.5 +Shift. A conversation ensued. No Motions were made
Kirt (K7KDW) – Discussed creating a new name for Thursday night new ham net. The suggested name was “Rookie Roundtable” – all agreed
Paul (W7PFB) described that there is a variety of instruments, many donated, that are not being used and thus cluttering the shack. Robin suggested having a sale of equipment to support the group. A conversation ensued. No Motions were made.
Rowland (K7RWB) discussed the roaming SnoVARC support. Contacted Mary at Carnation and Shaun in Duvall to discuss. Mary was happy to have SnoVARC come up. Shawn said nobody has a ham license at the Duvall station. Rowland suggested that someone there might consider getting a license. A conversation ensued. No motions were made
Rowland mentioned working with Greg to get viable credentials for SnoVarc members. Originally only in district residents could get credentialed. That has been lifted. Anyone now can be credentialed regardless if they are in or out of the district. The current credentials for Duvall Fire will be stricter for volunteers. Once the pandemic is over, credentialing will be continued. A conversation ensued. No Motions were made.
Tom described a 6M tune-up. Everyone was impressed how well the 6M FM worked. Signals worked very well whether on vertical or horizontal antennas. Next mini drill will be Thursday June 18th. A conversation ensued. No Motions were made.
Old business: none
New business: Rowland – shirts on hold. Nice selection of electronic tools, Anderson power poles and other equipment at the Carnation Shack. Suggested that if anyone wanted to use them, it must be done at Carnation space – no checkouts. Only to leave the shack if it’s a club event (Field day, etc.). All agreed. Ralph (KC7QXD) suggested that club may want to look at upgrading repeater to a new repeater that includes DMR capabilities. Also, to install Ham-Wan in the valley. Could we implement both? A conversation ensued. No Motions were made.
Tom called the business meeting to a close at 18:58