July 2021 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC Business Meeting Minutes – July 1st, 2021 

Ralph KC7QXD 

Howard WA1HEM 

Paul W7PFB 

Robin WA7CPA 

Rowland K7RWB 


Shawn K7ATA 

Bob  KI7RMO 

Bryce KK5SPT 

Lindy KG7IFA 

Tom called the meeting to order at 6:16 

Tom called to accept a motion to approve the June minutes. Rowland motioned and Shawn seconded. The motion passed unanimously.  

Lindy gave the Treasurers report. The club had a bank balance of $10,561.08. No new members. Tom asked to accept the Treasurers report. Shawn motioned Paul seconded. The motion passed unanimously.  

Shawn gave the Tech committee update. He has heard about power drop in the Cougar Mt. Repeater, but has not seen them. Paul did not see any power drops either. He suggested we make a list of projects to do while up on Cougar. Tech committee discussed setting up instruments to monitor power and temperature. Shawn said he could get something for around $16 to do this.  No update on the Myer’s repeater. Rowland contacted John Finch at Bell property – he is busy and will get hold of Rowland later in July. Shawn explained that we had power interruption at Cougar on June 27th (Sunday). No issues. No update on Carnation repeater. Paul said it was hanging on for now.  Shawn explained that the Big Rock repeater has been on battery power for 5 days due to charger failure. Waiting for parts to repair.  Conversation ensued. No motions made. 

Rowland said Emcomm committee is next week due to the date. No further update. The Emcomm committee will discuss how everyone handled the heat. No further updates. No motions made. 

Irvina (Absent) – No new updates 

Kirk (Absent) – No new updates 

Paul – no new updates on Carnation Shack as he has been too busy to get out there to do the inventory.  

Rowland – gave an update on the new space. New space allocated only 96 sqft to Snovarc. There is competition with NGOs for space. Rowland explained to the city that Snovarc will need more square footage. They said they will do right by us and give us what we need.  One of the groups might leave providing extra space for Snovarc to potentially use. Rowland shared a drawing of the latest iteration of the city hall. Will update when new info is available. Conversation ensued. No motions made.  

New Business 

Rowland asked Sandy Duval to hold off until we can have an in-person meeting so that she can better show the shirt styles and colors.  

Howard – no new Marketing update 

Tom – no formal Mini drill until October.  June mini drill was a “Dick Tracy” drill. Simulated a ham radio operator in a vehicle that was trapped in a ditch. Rowland was the net control. He simulated a failure. Robin was then “thrown” the net control. Robin explained that Ken identified a flaw in the drill as no one asked for the “victim’s” cell phone number. Tom mentioned that not enough folks participated. Bob added that he was trying to follow along on an iPhone which was difficult to do.  

July 4th will have several volunteers assisting with the Parade. Contact Ben Thompson to volunteer. Mostly GMRS. Lead car and End car will use Simplex. Volunteers will meet 10:15 in the parking lot. And it will end around 12:30. 

August 3rd is National Night Out – still deciding if CERT or Snovarc will participate.  

Rowland explained about the Aug 14th QSO Today Expo. There is a $10 fee. Many different classes that you can take. It should be a great learning experience. It uses visual software to simulate a Trade Show event with Vendors and break out rooms for education. And the classes will be available on-demand for 30 days. 

On September 25th there will be another Carnation City evacuation exercise. Not yet sure how Snovarc / Cert will participate. Adair Hawkins is new and taking on responsibility for the city exercises and is heading the emergency committee for Carnation. Adair was also invited to be involved with CERT (She is CERT trained from Texas). Paul asked if Snovarc could assist to get her Technician’s license.  

Tom closed the meeting to adjourn. Paul motioned and Howard seconded. Meeting ended at 6:54p 

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