November 2020 Meeting Minutes
SnoVARC November 5, 2020 Business Meeting Minutes
Paul (W7PFB)
Howard (WA1HEM)
Ralph (KC7QXD)
Tom (WA7TBP)
Rowland (K7RWB)
Kirt (K7KDW)
Robin (WA7CPA)
Lindy (KG7IFA)
Irvina (W7IRM)
Scott (N7SS)
Paul Zoba (W7PEZ)
Scott Honaker (N7SS)
Ken Kosters (W7ECK)
Tom (WA7TBP) Called the meeting to order at 18:16
Motion to accept the minutes motioned by Kirt (K7KDW) and seconded by Ralph (KC7QXD). The motion passed unanimously.
Lindy (KG7IFA) gave a Treasurers report indicating a balance of $10,609.04 although it has not yet gone to the CDCCC board for approval. Rowland (K7RWB) motioned to approve the Treasurers report and Kirt approved. The motion passed unanimously.
Tom – went to Cougar to put the rack and filing cabinet on the mountain. He mentioned that he will reach out to Joanne Myers to understand what she might be doing with the repeater. Is she moving?
Howard (WA1HEM) updated on the EmComm committee and described 2 issues the committee was focused on – The future of the Myers repeater and possible relocation and an EmComm exercise to be conducted on the upcoming Sunday to test the propagation from Evac hill. No motions were made.
Tom asked Irvina (W7IRM) if Dave Wickard could use additional help. Dave is looking for additional help teaching. Irvina mentioned that she has suspended SnoVarc classes for the moment. No motions were made.
Kirt – gave a Rookie Roundtable update. He gave a “Thank you” to everyone that shows up from the club.
Paul (W7PFB) – No carnation space update. Rowland suggested that big changes might be coming to the location. On September 1st an email was sent to Mary at City Hall indicated that they are seriously thinking of building a new City Hall. She will talk to Rowland about how Snovarc would fit in. Preliminary discussions. No questions. No Motions were made.
Old business – The next mini drill to be held on the 19th. Tom asked Howard to give a quick review of the October exercise. Tom described the exercise and how it worked.
Robin (WA7CPA) – gave an update on the Jim Myers memorial held at the Duvall Ball Fields. The gathering was nicely attended. There was excellent weather and the event was emotionally a very good and helpful gathering to honor and remember Jim (W7ABD).
Tom – Holiday get together – brief announcements & mostly social. All were in favor
Tom – nominations of Vice President and Secretary take place in odd numbered years – Our Bylaws say that nominations should be made at the December or January meeting with the vote at the January or February meeting. He questioned whether we should amend our Bylaws to allow nominations earlier (November) in the future. Please send in nominations. Do Howard and Kirt want to continue?
New Business – only one new Ham from Duvall.
How many paid up members? Lindy mentioned that membership was down: 31 this year from 43 last year
Howard – when do we update the net control list? Rowland to find out from Rick(?)
Ralph – how is SnoVarc coordinating with MRC and CERT? Membership is down in both MRC and CERT.
Rowland – asked who has current king county or CERT badge? If your badge is out of date send a request to Rowland.
N7SS – Scott will present ELMER session.
Tom called the Business meeting to an end- Howard motioned, Rowland seconded. The Business portion of the meeting ended at 18:53