April 2022 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC April 7, 2022 Business Meeting Minutes

Tom Wa7TBP 

Ralph KC7QXD 

Kirt K7KDW 

Robin WA7CPA 


Ken W7ECK 

Mike Kelly KJ7JNG 

Lindy KG7IFA 

Rowland K7RWB 

Rob N7QT 

Robin Q3TKF/W7 

Tom called the meeting to order at 6:17p.  

Tom requested a motion to accept the March minutes.  Rowland made a motion and Ralph seconded. Motion carried unanimously 

Lindy gave the treasurer’s report. There is a $15,363 current balance in the account. A bit less from last time due to the Myers repeater antenna installation and the renewal of insurance. 3 new members brought the total to 24 paid members. Tom requested a motion to accept the Treasurers report. Motion made by Howard seconded by Kirt. The Motion carried unanimously. 

Tom – Cougar Repeater has been ordered. Cougar Mtn currently looks good. The Myers repeater antenna has been completed. The power supply portion of the cabinet has been rewired by Ralph, supported by Rowland. The Carnation repeater is currently working fine. Crosslinks were tested and working fine. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.  

Rowland gave the Emcomm update – The Committee discussed a wide area group net that will be tested on HF. Discussed psychological effects on Ham operators that volunteer for disaster relief. Rowland suggested we take a Psychological First Class. Rowland will work with the Red Cross to set up a class for the group. Conversation ensued. No motions made.  

Education and Community outreach – Issaquah will be conducting a new tech and upgrade to General class at the Issaquah community center. Howard asked if there was an opportunity to volunteer as a VE. Conversation ensued. No motions made.  

Kirt – gave a Rookie Round Table update. Has been slow on the air lately. Many open slots for Net Control. Conversation ensued. No motions made.  

Tom gave an update on Carnation space. Conversation ensued. No motion made.  

Rowland – no updates on club tee shirts. There will be an in-person presentation when appropriate. No update on Badging. Conversation ensued. No motions made.  

Howard – Tom and Howard to meet to discuss Marketing 

Tom updated on mini drill. Used 213 forms and discussed how to make messaging more accurate. Next mini drill 4/21 based on semi failure of Cougar but only allow use of VHF crossband links.  Conversation ensued. No motions made.   

Rowland discussed field day 2022. Heard back from several folks that they might be interested. Conversation ensued. No motions made.  

Tom – This Saturday is Comm Academy. Many topics with no fees. Provided via YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdbmn-iCuUyeUdghxvBFRXg 

Tom – April 12th will be CERT online review of building search markings. May 14th will be in person cribbing, skull sessions, building search markings, and radio communications, etc.   

Tom asks for motion to close meeting. Motion by Kirt, seconded by Howard. The business meeting closed at 6:59pm.  

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