December 2021 Meeting Minutes
Snovarc Business Meeting – December 2, 2021
Ralph KC7QXD
Kirt K7KDW
Howard WA1HEM
Lindy KG7IFA
Tom called the meeting to order at 6:19pm.
Tom asked for a motion to accept the November minutes. Kirt made a motion and Ralph seconded. Minutes were accepted unanimously.
Lindy gave the Treasurers report. The group had a bank balance of $16, 710.66, including the $5,000 donation from Mr. Guy Kelly for the repeater upgrade project – 1 new member – total 38 members. Tom submitted a request to the CDCCC board to spend the $5,000 donation for the purchase of a new repeater. In addition, he submitted requests to spend $2,000 on a new power supply, and $2,500 on a new RF power amplifier for the Cougar Mtn repeater. The CDCCC board approved a request to spend $2000 to install the Myers repeater at the new location. Tom asked for a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report. Howard moved and Kirt Seconded. Treasurer’s report was accepted unanimously.
Tom –reported that the Carnation repeater was working fine.
Tom has had contact with Lake Washington group who has extended an invite to those interested in classes and Parking lot written exam.
Kirt updated on the Rookie Round Table– Robin was rookie roundtable net control. Howard is on the 16th and Rowland after that. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.
Tom gave an update on the Carnation Shack – Paul has told him that there is still a significant amount of equipment to move out. Conversation ensued. No motions made.
Old Business – club shirts on hold. No in-person meetings. During CDCCC meeting Rowland mentioned that badging system is up and running fine.
Howard -no new marketing info. Requires meeting with Tom
Tom – Mini drill will be a 6-meter Tune-up. Mini drill on the 18th went well. Simulated the failure of the Cougar Mtn Repeater and an artificial Code Red message to move to Carnation repeater.
Tom Got a call from PSE (“Dee”) Dee would like to potentially have a drill with Snovarc.
Tom indicated there would be one more Jim Myers yard clean-up for the year on 12/12 at 10AM, weather permitting.
Tom made a motion to close the meeting at 6:43pm. Ralph motioned and Howard Seconded. Meeting closed.