April 2020 Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2020 SnoVARC Business Meeting Minutes:
2020 Members in Attendance: | Guests/Prior Members in Attendance: |
Robin Amundson WA7CPA | |
Rowland Brasch K7RWB | |
Paul Butzi W7PFB | |
Lindy Friedlander KG7IFA | |
Ralph Lease KC7QXD | |
Howard Mahran WA1HEM | |
Irvina Mizell W7IRM | |
Tom Needham WA7TBP | |
Kirt White K7KDW | |
Jim Myers W7ABD | |
The meeting was held via FreeConferenceCall.com as an online Video conference and was called to order at 18:15 by Tom (WA7TBP)
Tom (WA7TBP) called to approve the January meeting minutes that were posted on groups.io. Members unanimously approved the minutes.
Tom (WA7TBP) outlined our current social distancing efforts and the plans to maintain meetings online. Conversation pursued. No motions were made.
Lindy (KG7IFA) provided the Treasurers report noting a club balance of $9218.98 as of 4/1/2020, plus $20 not yet deposited in the bank. Conversation pursued. No motions were made.
Sub Committee updates were given:
Repeater Task Force committee was absent
Conversation ensued regarding the rack not being at the Cougar repeater. Conversation about raising the Bell repeater antenna pursued since it isn’t likely to be moved back to the Bell site until next year. Jim was authorized to purchase coax to raise it so there is better valley coverage. No formal motions were made.
Howard (WA1HEM) gave an EmComm Committee update. A draft Simplex Emergency Exercise script has been created with Paul (W7PFB) with a modification for using online video to enhance the event. Paul and Howard to complete the details. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.
Irvina (W7IRM) discussed the upcoming April Technicians Class that will be held online using video conference software. Only the exam will have to wait until it can be done in person. A groups.io page for Teachers and Students was discussed. No motions were made. Tom (WA7TBP) discussed the upcoming field day and the likelihood that it would be done from home instead of the ball field. No decision had been made to cancel due to the Covid-19 restrictions on gatherings. A discussion pursued. No motions were made.
Kirt (K7KDW) explained that the Thursday New Ham net was light on some nights and several check-ins included a few new guests. No motions were made.
No report was given on the Carnation space.
No report was given on the GP15 antenna installation for Evac Hill. It is still at Tom’s house.
Tom (WA7TBP) and Paul (W7PFB) noted their installations of 220mhz repeaters continued but had some issues holding. Their frequencies are 223.900 and 223.960. A conversation ensued. No motions were made.
New business:
Tom (WA7TBP) was the only candidate for President. No other candidates were nominated or volunteered. Paul (W7PFB) made a motion to elect Tom as President. Howard (WA1HEM) seconded the motion. The members voted unanimously in favor.
Jim (W7ABD) discussed a possible danger with respect to pacemakers and HAM radio. The new pacemakers have antennas that transmit from pacemaker to device to doctor. So it is important that no radio operates near it. Tom (WA7TBP) adjourned the meeting at 18:57.