January 2022 Meeting Minutes
SNOVARC January 6, 2022 Business Meeting Minutes
Paul W7PFB
Howard WA1HEM
Rowland K7RWB
Kirt K7KDW
Ralph KC7QXD
Lindy KG7IFA
Tom called the meeting to order at 6:15pm
Tom asked for motion to accept the December minutes – Rowland motioned and Kirt seconded. The December minutes were unanimously accepted
Lindy gave the Treasurers report- The club had a bank balance of $17,083.15 and 38 members closing out 2021. There were 6 current paying members for 2022. Tom called for a motion to accept the treasurers report – Rowland motioned and Howard seconded. The Treasurer’s report was accepted unanimously.
Shawn was not available to give a full Tech Committee report. Paul updated the club on the replacement of the Cougar Mtn repeater. Issues still remain regarding moving the racks up to Cougar. The Myers repeater will be moved from the Myers property to Rowland’s to be tested and prepped for install at its new location. Installation at the new Myers repeater location is pending. The Carnation repeater is working nominally. Conversation ensued. No motions were made
Rowland – gave the Emcomm meeting update. The Tuesday Emcomm meeting was mostly focused on the new Carnation building. There is a high possibility that NGO’s will not be permitted in the new facility. The city is looking at a new location at the “Park” near Pete’s. The City is also looking for more funding. Rowland discussed having a Regional net with other participating clubs and needs to speak with them about logistics. The biggest issue for having a regional net is coverage. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.
Snovarc is still not in a position to host online or in person classes. As stated in previous meetings, Lake Washington will accept folks that would like licensing and education.
Kirk gave the Rookie Round Table update. He will be sending out requests for volunteers to host the net several times over the next 3 months. No motions were made.
Paul –gave the Carnation shack update. Still needing to move equipment up to the Carnation Fire station. Waiting for the ability to park in front of building. A question was posed: “How does our strategy change if no space is available in new city hall? “Discussion to ensue at later date. Ralph requested that this topic be added to the Emcomm/Tech meeting agenda. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.
Rowland – badging is working. Announced if anyone needs a King County badge to contact him.
Howard – no Marketing update.
Tom – gave the mini drill update. 6m FM was difficult to hear but 6M sideband was better. No motions were made.
Tom – also notified club members that the President’s position is up for reelection in February. Please send nominations to Lindy.
Tom mentioned that he and Rowland discussed having the club purchase shirts for all members. Different ideas for providing tee-shirts ensued including only providing Members of 3 years or more a free shirt and providing new members 50% off. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.
Tom – Mike and Key and Sea-Pac is still planning on running their event in 2022. Tables might be gone.
Rowland – Introduced Dee. AARL emergency coordinator for PSE. Tom called the meeting to an end at 6:56p. Motion – Kirt motioned and Howard seconded.