February 2023 Meeting Minutes
Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes
February 2nd, 2023
I. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:21 p.m. at the Carnation City Hall
Members in attendance were:
Tom (WA7TBP) – President, Kirt (K7KDW) – Vice President, Lindy (KG7IFA) – Treasurer, Mike (KJ7JNG) – Secretary, Ralph (KC7QXD), Bob (KI7RMO), Ken (W7ECK), Rowland (K7RWB), Jon (W7ENT), Shawn (K7ATA), Paul (W7PFB), Bill (AI7PL), Rob (N7QT), Colin (W2COL), Ed (AK7H), Robin (WACPA), Jim (WT8P), Jack (N7JP), Dink (N7WA), Ron (KJ7GLC), Bill (KK7FWK)
II. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes from the meeting that occurred on January 5th 2022 were approved.
III. Treasury Report and Financials
Lindy presented the January 2023 financials to the members in attendance. Currently there is $9,641.08 in the treasury and SNOVARC has 21 paying members. Lindy stated that membership runs from January 1st to December 31st. So, no matter when your dues were paid last year, they are due in January of each year. Lindy also mentioned that the club’s funding through the AMAZON SMILE program is going away and will be removed from the website.
IV. Committee and Task Force Reports
Repeater Task Force:
Shawn provided the following updates:
Cougar Mountain Repeater – Waiting on new repeater software fix before installing the new repeater. The repeater supplier’s representative (John) will be meeting with Tom at his residence to troubleshoot and resolve the software issue before the repeater is installed at the Cougar site.
Myers Repeater – Low battery alarm indication is being transmitted. The repeater just needs an adjustment to correct the issue. No Change
Carnation Repeater – The Carnation repeater is back in Carnation City Hall and operating normally. No Change
Emergency Planning and Mobilization:
Rowland will have the EYEWARN documents loaded onto the google drive by next meeting. Anyone wants to learn more about EYEWARN, go to www.eyewarn.net for more information.
Education and Community Outreach:
Eastside Fire and Rescue will be re-opening their public meeting space 2/6 and allow SNOVARC to utilize the space for training purposes. Tom contacted Issaquah and LWHC to offer SNOVARC members to help teach ham radio classes. The EF&R website has a meeting room link with rules. Tom contacted Issaquah and LWHC to offer SNOVARC members to help teach ham radio classes.
Carnation Space:
Paul informed the team that he has been receiving inquiries from the architect who is designing Carnation City Hall. Things are progressing slowly but are taking shape. No contact, no change.
Paul said he is still planning to go to Lake Joy and tag DERT.
V. Old Business
King County Badging – All current SNOVARC members should have their badges. Rowland sent in several KC applications this past week to KC. If a SNOVARC member is not registered and does not have a volunteer ID badge issued by KC, they will not be allowed to join other emergency responders during an incident due to KC insurance regulations. (NOTE: The club’s liability insurance through ARRL has some coverage for current members. Lindy will look into this.)
Marketing – Tom wants to spiff up our tri-fold brochure. He mentioned that the rollout of the EYEWARN will allow the SNOVARC team to gather the names of people who are interested to serve the community in case of an emergency. Those same people will be asked if they are interested in obtaining a HAM license. For those who are interested, the SNOVARC team will assist them to obtain their HAM license.
Mini Drill – The mini-drill that occurred on 1/19 had many participants and allowed us to get used to using the EYEWARN process. Feedback was all positive.
VI. New Business
Mike and Key Swap Meeting – If the club does decide to get a table, we need to reserve a table now.
There is a potential for a First Aid, CPR, AED and Stop the Bleed class hosted by the Medical Reserves Corps soon. Additional information will be made available soon.
Tom presented a prototype of the shirt and SNOVARC design (front and rear) that can be purchased through our distributor. The shirt comes in a flattering black (a few other colors available) and has been specially outfitted with several “radio pockets” where a SNOVARC member can attached the clip of their hand-held radio microphone.
The annual CERT drill will use the DERT and set up a shelter (with MRC) at the Riverview School District Service Center across from the fire station.
Tom reminded the team that due to HIPPA laws; personal information (name, medications, medical history, etc.) cannot be transmitted over the air to first responders. Provide only the address/location and the type of injury while providing information over the air to first responders. Many members present indicated interest in HIPPA training.
Tonight’s SNOVARC face-to-face monthly meeting ELMER Session – DXpedition presentation on a real-life drill on how to get on the air and stay on the air under very difficult situations.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.