July 2024 Meeting Minutes

Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club

Monthly Meeting Minutes

June 4th, 2024

I.  Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Tom at 7:01 pm on Zoom.

Members in attendance were:

Tom (WA7TBP), Kirt (K7KDW) – Vice President, Lindy (KJ7IFA) – Treasurer, Mike (KJ7JNG) – Secretary, Rowland (K7RWB), Colin (W2COL), Ken (W7ECK), Shawn (K7ATA), Ralph (KC7QXD)

II. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting minutes from the meeting that occurred on June 4th, 2024 were approved.

III. Treasury Report and Financials

As of 7/2/24 there was $8,556 in the treasury and SNOVARC had 40 dues paying members for 2024. One large expense since our last meeting was for $200 for the ARRL liability insurance. Thank you very much to Kirt for your Microsoft matching funds of $919.00

IV. Committee and Task Force Reports

Repeater Task Force:

Cougar Mountain Repeater – Shawn removed the power supply from the repeater and tested it from his home at 150 watts. So far, Shawn has not seen the power supply fail, even under load. Why does the UPS shut off – could it be an RF interference issue? Shawn will continue to test the power supply on generator and then simulate a generator shut down when commercial power is restored.

Myers Repeater – Tom has been hearing a repeater from Mason County, on the same frequency pair, leaking into our area. It is not a consistent issue. Some feel it might be a RF ducting issue depending on weather conditions.

Carnation Repeater – No change.

Emergency Planning and Mobilization:

EYEWARN – In progress. Colin is still beta testing the EYEWARN forms that will be placed in WINLINK

Education and Community Outreach:

Thursday Night Roundtable/Ham Development – Tom reached out to Dave Wickert and has not heard back yet.

Carnation Space – Major changes to take place, no timeframe. If the club loses the Carnation space, Lindy will host the repeater on her property.  

Equipment Inventory Status – No new additions to the current equipment list.

V. Old Business

Status of Club Shirts – On 7/5 the SNOVARC merchandise should be available on Sandy’s Duvall Dazzling Designs website.

Report on Field Day: A lot of fun had by all participants. Pizza was delicious. Kick-off started on Saturday. Expected more contacts, but the RF would not cooperate. Rated a “SMASHING SUCCESS” and most of the credit goes to Shawn for taking over the food preparation duties and doing a wonderful job feeding all the attendees.

VI. New Business

To improve communications at Evacuation Hill a small tower could be temporarily be erected to improve radio contact efforts. Offer made by Ken (W7ECK)Meeting adjourned at 8:01 p.m

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