October 2021 Meeting Minutes
SnoVARC October 7, 2021 Business Meeting Minutes
Paul (W7PFB)
Howard (WA1HEM)
Rowland (K7RWB)
Bob (KI7RMO)
Lindy (KG7IFA)
Kirt (K7KDW)
Tom (WA7TBP)
Ken (W7ECK)
Bryce KK5SPT
Kirt called the meeting to order at 6:26
Kirt requested a motion to accept the September minutes. Tom motioned, Howard Seconded. Minutes accepted were approved unanimously.
Lindy gave the Treasurers report– There is currently a $10,879.83 bank balance for the club, there were 2 new members who joined bringing the total number of members of the club to 34 total. 2 additional members are in process. The club has received an offer from a donor to pay for replacing the cougar repeater. Kirt requested a motion to accept the Treasurers report. Paul motioned, Howard Seconded and unanimously approved. The Treasurer’s report was accepted. No further motions were made.
Rowland gave a Myers Repeater update – Rowland contacted companies to get bids for antenna installation at the new site. The current estimate at $2000. Conversation ensued. Paul gave the Carnation repeater status which he indicated is healthy and performing as expected. He made a request for more users to try the carnation repeater. Paul and Tom are considering using the Carnation repeater in an exercise. Conversation ensued. No motions made.
Rowland gave the Emergency Planning and Mobilization update– The subcommittees met on Tuesday and discussed equipment needs. Rowland was putting together a form for use during an emergency. Ryan suggested he could create a software package for text notification but Rowland asked him to hold off on that until we determine if CodeRed will work. The club needs to make a decision on replacing Cougar Mtn equipment. Rowland recommend that we act quickly. Possibly use the existing equipment as backup. Paul volunteered to draft an email to spec out costs. He suggested that we can continue to use the same band pass and filter equipment. Conversation ensued. No motions made.
Rowland suggested that the club create a small net with Sky Valley, Fire-Core and Issaquah Ham Club to coordinate emergency communications and agreed upon frequencies. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.
Tom got a message from Jon Bromberg regarding Cascadia Rising event 2022. They will be suspending any real-time events. No motions made
Tom gave the Education and Community outreach update– no in-person learning due to Covid. Tom would like to ask if Lake Washington would take our strays”. Field day is still unknown. No motions made.
Kirt gave an update on the Ham development and Rookie Round Table – He discussed peoples’ willingness to sign up for hosting Rookie Roundtable (for a few months out). No motions made.
Paul gave an update on the Carnation space– Paul has sorted through items and have selected some items for storage. The club must either move the equipment to Evac Hill or to the Carnation Fire station (heated space). Still requires work. No motions made.
No updates on Badging or tee shirts or other club paraphernalia.
Howard requested a club effort to mail out an invitation. Looking for club permission. Tom requested that we have a separate meeting to discuss history. No motions made.
Tom gave general updates– He mentioned that the next mini exercise will be to Test out the Carnation repeater. Need net control for October 14, first backup on October 21 and Backup for October 28, Contact Rick at KB7CIN@hotmail.com
New Business – October 16 – online training EXPO for CERTS, MRC and SnoVARC members. Welcome, overview of Tolt Dam, winter preparedness, etc. More information online.
Kirt asked for a motion to end the Business meeting; Rowland made a motion and Paul seconded - the meeting was called to an end at 6:59p