August 2020 Meeting Minutes



Jim (W7ABD)

Howard (WA1HEM)

Paul (W7PFB)

Ralph (KC7QXD)

Irvina (W7IRM)

Kirt (K7KDW)

Robin (WA7CPA)

Rowland (K7RWB)

Shawn (K7ATA)

Lindy (KG7IFA)

Jim (W7ABD)

Ryan (KJ7GIE)

Kirt (K7KDW) called the business meeting to order at 18:16.  He reported that the minutes had been posted for review. Shawn made the motion to approve the minutes and Howard seconded the motion.  All approved.

Lindy (KG7IFA) – Gave the treasurers report. Current account balance was $9631.81. Not yet approved by the CDCC board. Conversation ensued. Rowland motioned to approve. Shawn seconded the motion.  All approved.

Shawn (K7ATA) gave the Repeater Task Force update- Shawn suggested that the Cougar Mountain Repeater needed investigation. He also mentioned that the backup Kenwood repeater, located in carnation is deaf and a known failure mode has a repair cost of $1.50 part. He also mentioned that this issue might also be what is wrong on Cougar Mountain. He suggested that should order multiple parts for the repair as well as to have as backups. Shawn discussed HAMWAN and how to get it stood up.  He suggested that we can order a MikroTik RBDynaDishG-5HacD microwave dish that operates HAM bands and that we should purchase the international version for $150. Rowland suggested that we get permission to place the antenna on roof of the shack along with the antenna for the repeater. Conversation ensued. Paul (W7PFB) motioned to approve the purchases and Howard seconded. All approved the motion.

Shawn also would like a couple people to help him with maintenance and to bring the rack.

Jim(W7ABD) – gave a report on the Bell repeater which is working well.  Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Howard (WA1HEM) gave an Emcomm update.  Several items were updated, including the Emcomm Teams suggestion that Snovarc write Kathy Lambert to help Fund emergency power at Evac Hill. Discussion also included writing a grant and creating a Go-Fund-Me page. The Emcomm team have been discussing the size of a generator but agreed that a Genset with Propane was best. How big? How many watts (5000w?).  Also discussed was the “Did you Feel It?” Winlink form from the USGS. Rowland (K7RWB) will be provide the group with a how-to video. A Winlink Vara/HF and FM exercise were suggested along with a joint 6M exercise with Issaquah. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Irvina (W7IRM) gave an update on an email that was sent to the class attendees but only received one response. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Kirt gave an update on the progress of the “Rookie Roundtable” net and that he was conducting the net from the Duvall Skate Park. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Paul (W7PFB) – gave an update on the Carnation shack and that no progress was made due to roof lock being blocked. A conversation regarding donated items that could be offered to members ensued. Paul had mentioned that Paul Zoba (W7PEZ) would like to purchase a power supply – and that they agreed on a value. Paul suggested that Snovarc charge folks a modest amount and requested an update on club policy

Lindy – suggested that FMV be used for selling inventory that is listed on the books, but at a minimum we should get the amount remaining on the books. Conversation ensued around how to offer items that are on the books. Robin questioned if there were any compliance issues. Paul suggested that the group sell donated items “as is” since we don’t have the time to determine if the equipment even works. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Rowland described a need for a completely independent system on Evac hill and explained that no cars will be able to reach the site during a real event. Shawn suggested a dual fuel generator. Ryan (KJ7GIE) suggest getting a ladder to get an antenna up on the roof of the cargo container. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Kirt called the meeting to a close at 18:56

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