November 2018 Meeting Minutes

Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club

Meeting Minutes for November 1, 2018

Business Meeting called to order 6:15 p.m. Duvall Fire Station #66 by Ralph Lease, KC7QXD.

19 members and guests present for business and/or Elmer session: Robin Amundson, Larry Backstrom, Rick Burns, Paul Butzi, Joe Carpenter, Nancy Carpenter, Bill Condon, Ken Koch, Ken Kosters, Debbi Lermond, Jim Myers, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie, Gerard Repko, Shawn Somers, Carol Swanton, Kirt White. Two unlicensed guests, Robert Noonan and son.

Secretary Report—With five present at the business meeting, minutes were approved by acclimation.

Treasurer Report—Current balance is $2,622.40, prior to approval by CDCCC Board.

Member dues for 2019 and the annual written liability waiver need to be turned in. Please make the checks out to CDCCC and mail to PO Box 644, Carnation, WA 98014. The link to information on joining the club and the form is at

Committee and Task Force Reports

Repeater task force—Shawn, K7ATA for the Cougar site: New cables arrived to fix the hum heard on repeater. The spaghetti of connectors and splices will be eliminated with direct cable route.  A new remote accessible power switch purchased for $65 has arrived and is to be installed. Repeater estimated downtime during installation is one hour.  Discussion about Accelnet Internet service for Cougar repeater. Accelnet offered free service after a $300 installation fee.  There will be further committee discussion. The Seattle Repeater Group has only one original living member left servicing all its repeaters, representing significant risk to the region’s infrastructure.

Jim, W7ABD for the Bell site: A new controller for the Bell repeater will require four hours downtown. Radio recalibration is needed.

Emergency planning and mobilization task force—Joe, KI7EMB, reported no activity or new information.

Education & community outreach task force—There was discussion about setting a date and place for a VE Internet study and online test-taking session. Shawn, K7ATA, subsequently announced on the a date set at the Carnation shack. There is no replacement, so far, for the Tuesday new hams net.

Shawn, K7ATA, will stop the Tuesday ball field gatherings and newbie net reminders on

Carnation spacePaul, W7PFB.  A few people are needed for work on the roof when weather permits.

Old Business—The January meeting Elmer will be N7QT presenting on FT8. The February meeting will be N7QT presenting on the Ducie DXpedition. Though we had an overflow of ideas for 2019 Elmer presentations, Elmers for the rest of the months have not yet been obtained. No one was tasked with obtaining additional Elmers.

Grant Update—Paul, W7PFB, reported Paula will not be in attendance at the next grant meeting so we will have no advocate in the next request round.

Upcoming Club Meetings

New Business­—Ralph, KC7QXD, read to us a statement of an anonymous unrestricted donation/grant of $1,000 through a Charles Schwab charitable donor. Discussion on how to apply the funds to the highest and best use will occur. There will be no spending until a deliberation process has been completed.

7 p.m.

Elmer Session: After a five-minute recap of the business meeting, Gerard Repko, KG7REV, presented the Elmer session showing us what is in his go bag and why.

Upcoming Events

12/6/2018 Annual SnoVARC holiday party, Ixtapa Restaurant on Redmond Ridge, 6:30 p.m. RSVP to or on SnoVARC

1/3/2019 Monthly SnoVARC meeting, Thursday at 6:15 (business) 7:00 (Elmer session. N7QT presents on FT8).

1/3/2019 Membership dues for 2019 are due and payable. Please pay at meeting or send check before. New waiver of liability form is needed, downloadable from

Minutes respectfully submitted by Robin, WA7CPA

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