January 2023 Meeting Minutes
Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes
January 5th, 2023
I. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:19 p.m. at the Carnation City Hall
Members in attendance were:
Tom (WA7TBP) – President, Kirt (K7KDW) – Vice President, Lindy (KG7IFA) – Treasurer, Mike (KJ7JNG) – Secretary, Ralph (KC7QXD), Bob (KI7RMO), Ken (W7ECK), Roland (K7RWB), Bob (KI7RMO), Jon (W7ENT), Howard (WA1HEM), Shawn (K7ATA), Paul (W7PFB), Ryan (KJ7GIE), Larry (AF7RW), Bill (AI7PL)
II. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes from the meeting that occurred on November 3rd 2022 were approved.
Tom called for nominations for the positions of Vice President and Secretary three times. There were no nominations from the floor or via Zoom. Kirt and Mike had contacted Tom via e-mail indicating they were willing to continue in their current position and duties. As there were no nominations from the members, Tom accepted a motion to cast a unanimous ballot retaining Kirt, K7KDW as Vice President, and Mike, KJ7JNG, as Secretary. The motion passed unanimously.
III. Treasury Report and Financials
Lindy presented the November 2022 financials to the members in attendance. Currently there is $9,251.50 in the treasury and SNOVARC has 39 paying members. Lindy remined everyone that yearly dues need to be paid and she prefers a new application form to be included with the $20 check.
IV. Committee and Task Force Reports
Repeater Task Force:
Shawn provided the following updates:
Cougar Mountain Repeater – Waiting on new repeater software fix before installing the new repeater. The repeater supplier needs to assist the club with a known software issue.
Myers Repeater – Low battery alarm indication is being transmitted. The repeater just needs an adjustment to correct the issue.
Carnation Repeater – The Carnation repeater is back in Carnation City Hall and operating normally.
Emergency Planning and Mobilization:
Roland explained that EYEWARN is a group of trained HAM operators that can provide additional visual situation reporting to an Emergency Manager or an EOC during an emergency or disaster. Clark County in Vancouver, WA initially started this program and they have been very successful in growing the footprint of the areas protected within Clark County. Roland explained that SNOVARC can use this model for local HAMS to follow in case of an emergency. If anyone wants to learn more about EYEWARN, go to www.eyewarn.net for more information.
Education and Community Outreach:
Tom will contact Issaquah and Lake Washington HAM clubs to see if those clubs have a room where two or three different clubs can send prospective HAM radio operators to take their HAM tests.
Kirt is considering changing the name of the Rookie Roundtable to something that will attract more than “rookies” HAM to the weekly net.
Carnation Space:
Rowland informed the team that he has been receiving inquiries from the architect who is designing Carnation City Hall. Things are progressing slowly but are taking shape.
Inventory project is moving along. Equipment at Lake Joy will be tagged, and the tagged equipment information being placed on a spreadsheet.
V. Old Business
King County Badging – All current SNOVARC members should have their badges.
Marketing – No change.
Mini Drill – On 1/19. Possibly a drill that prepares us to use EYEWARN.
VI. New Business
Mike and Key Swap Meeting – If the club does decide to get a table, we will need to have all the equipment placed on the table inventoried and tagged.
Tonight’s SNOVARC face-to-face monthly meeting ELMER Session – A discussion/tutorial on Police, Fire and Emergency Services Scanners.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.