August 2023 Meeting Minutes

Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club

Monthly Meeting Minutes

 August 3rd, 2023

I. Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 6:16 p.m. at the Carnation City Hall

Members in attendance were:

Tom (WA7TBP) – President, Kirt (K7KDW) – Vice President, Mike (KJ7JNG) – Secretary, Ralph (KC7QXD), Rowland (K7RWB), Shawn (K7ATA), Colin (W2COL), Marc (KK7LMP), John (W7ENT), Bob (KI7RMO), Ben (AD7JI), Konstantin (KK7GCN), Howard (WA1HEM), Paul (W7PFB), Collin Cowart

II. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes

The meeting minutes from the meeting that occurred on July 6th, 2023 were approved.

III. Treasury Report and Financials

Tom presented the July 2023 financials to the members in attendance. Currently there is $10,749.00 in the treasury and SNOVARC has 37 paying members.  For those members who have not paid their yearly dues yet, please complete the annual membership form and write a check for $20 made out to: CDCCC. The mail your check to CDCCC PO Box 644 Carnation, WA 98014. Or pay via Zelle from your bank account.   

IV. Committee and Task Force Reports

Repeater Task Force:

Cougar Mountain Repeater – No change.

Myers Repeater – Low battery alarm has been repaired.

Cross Band Repeater – No change.

Carnation Repeater – No change.

Emergency Planning and Mobilization:

Rowland will send out a mailing to licensed HAMs are not currently involved in EYEWARN

Education and Community Outreach:

Ham Tech class – Partnering with Issaquah

Ham Development and Rookie Roundtable – During summer months we will be meeting in the park.

Carnation Space:

Status of Carnation space equipment move – No formal announcement has been made by the City of Carnation, but Paul has seen some activity taking place in the area of the planned new city hall.

Status of Equipment Inventory Project – 75% completed, working on 100% completion.

V. Old Business

Marketing – no change

Mini Drill on July 20th was cancelled

Mini Drill on August 17th – Tom will be out of town. Rowland will write the script.

VI. New Business

National Night Out had a very good turn-out. Many first responders were present and it seemed to be 250 to 300 people in attendance.

SNOVARC Meeting Poll Results – Rowland found that people were positive on dropping the business meeting and making the meeting all educational.

Go Kit – Still in the process of building the HF go-kit. Suggestion was made to add a balun to the HF antenna.

Emergency Preparedness – A 12V battery powered TV was suggested to have on hand. The TV is listed on AMAZON for 40 dollars. Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.

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