November 2015 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by Pres. Ken Kosters (W7ECK).
Members Present: Larry Backstrom, Rick Burns, Paul Butzi, Lindy Friedlander, Mike Jacob, David Jam, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Tom Needham, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie, Shawn Somers, Chuck Woolfolk.
Guests Present: Jim Haviland, Glendon Pflugrath, Perry Steen
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report – Lindy (KG7IFA)
⦁ Minutes from the October meeting were reviewed electronically prior to the meeting and approved at the meeting.
⦁ Current Balance $3,776.79 as of the October 28, 2015 CDCCC Board Meeting.
⦁ 2015 Club dues: 36 members have paid their dues donation* to date. Checks for all those remaining who still wish to be members should be made out to CDCCC and brought to the next meeting or mailed with membership application to: CDCCC, PO Box 644, Carnation WA 98014. PLEASE USE THE NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ON THE YAHOO SITE OR ASK ME TO EMAIL A COPY.
Committee Reports
⦁ Repeater Task Force / Technical Committee – Dan (KA7GPP)
⦁ We can now hook up to the battery charger for the new batteries that were installed at the Bell location. For cross-band, we need to check the battery to see if it needs replacement. If so, we'll get a similar battery to what is there now since we don't need the expensive batteries used for the Bell repeater.
⦁ Cougar: We now have static IP address via HAMWAN giving us Internet (for ham purposes only). At some point we'll have IRLP (probably a few weeks). We'll have a training session at some point.
⦁ Since our Cougar repeater is the premier 440 repeater in the area, the Redmond group would like to use it for their net. We need a paragraph blurb to say that we reserve our repeater for our net on Thursday evenings and our drills. Plus any members should have priority. They should tell us when they want to use it.
⦁ Emergency Planning & Mobilization – Rowland (K7RWB) NOT PRESENT
⦁ Grant status: No status given
⦁ Regional Network: No status given
⦁ Education & Community Outreach – Bengt (K7ADD) — NOT PRESENT
⦁ Fall Tech License Class scheduling TBD (NEED VOLUNTEERS)
⦁ VE Session — Dan said we should run two sessions next year, but we'll need to assign someone to it. Bengt can give advice but is too busy to head up.
Old Business
⦁ KE7GFZ Weekly Net on 441.825 MHz, positive offset and tone of 103.5 MHz
⦁ Carnation Space — Ken K. (W7ECK) We have access code now and are ready to set up the space. Non-members will have to be escorted and NOT given the access code. The leadership group will review the space and begin planning soon.
New Business
⦁ CDCCC Board Meeting Report – Dan (KA7GPP)
⦁ Discussed the CDCCC Training Calendar, including SnoVARC training and events.
⦁ CDCCC Board adopted a "Procurement and Asset/Disposal Policy" on Oct. 28th. (Lindy — KG7IFA) This basically says that we need to follow formal approval processes before purchases above $150 can be made. SnoVARC has been doing this by voting at meetings before making decisions regarding purchases. We also need to know the value of all club assets. Ken K. talked about setting up asset tags for club equipment.
⦁ CERT Quarterly meetings — Tom (WA7TBP) said he went to the first quarterly meeting and he was very impressed. It will occur on the fourth Thursday of each quarter. He encouraged all members who have not yet taken the CERT class to do so.
⦁ Generator Safety Class will be held at the Carnation FS at 7pm on Wednesday, December 9th.
⦁ Duvall Days run recruiter/coordinator — Barb (K7XIT): Irvina Mizell (KG7YJK) has volunteered to take this over. THANK YOU IRVINA!
⦁ Need plan to get off Yahoo reflector — Ralph (KC7QXD)
⦁ Shawn (K7ATA) says he does this for a living and is willing to work on a plan. First he needs to know where we currently host our website. He will get together with Rowland and Bengt to put a plan together and see what it will take.
Meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.
ELMER SESSION: "The Nisqually Earthquake". Tom Needham (WA7TBP) talked about his actual experiences during the Nisqually Earthquake, including lessons learned.
Respectfully submitted,
Lindy Friedlander
Upcoming Events
⦁ 12/03/15: SnoVARC Annual Holiday Dinner (in lieu of meeting), Thursday, 6:30PM Claim Jumper, Redmond
⦁ 12/09/15: Generator Safety Class, Wednesday 7:00PM, Carnation Fire Station
⦁ 01/07/16: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station -OR- Our new Carnation Space if it is ready
⦁ 02/04/16: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station -OR- Our new Carnation Space if it is ready
⦁ 02/20/16: First Aid/CPR class, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. with 30 min for brown bag lunch, Tolt Congregational Church, Carnation
⦁ 02/29/16: CERT Class begins (8 weekly sessions, skipping the week of Spring break), Carnation Fire Station, 6:30-9 p.m.