May 2016 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by President, Ken Kosters (W7ECK).

Members Present:  Larry Backstrom, Sam Baker, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Paul Butzi, Dick Freiheit, Lindy Friedlander, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Irvina Mizell, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie, Shawn Somers, John Tharp, Chuck Woolfolk.

Guests Present:  Glendon Pflugrath

Secretary/Treasurer’s Report –  Lindy (KG7IFA)

  • Minutes from the April meeting were reviewed electronically prior to the meeting and approved at the meeting.
  • Current Balance $2,187.20 as of the April 30, 2016 Draft CDCCC Financial Report.The report has not yet been approved at a CDCCC Board Meeting.Additionally, May expenses paid to date include $61 for 3 foot pedals for the 3 new radios.
  • 2016 Club dues:35 members have paid their dues donation* to date (including those added before & after the meeting). Checks for all those remaining who wish to be members should be made out to CDCCC and brought to the next meeting or mailed with membership application to: CDCCC, PO Box 644, Carnation WA 98014. PLEASE USE THE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ON THE YAHOO Reflector OR SnoVARC Website. (Link on website is now working.)

Committee Reports

  • Repeater Task Force / Technical CommitteeDan (KA7GPP)



    • IRLP Status: Cougar Ham Link not up there yet.If we can receive it from Site 4 (300 yd max) we should be fine.It wouldn't hurt to test and then we'd be on our own.Dan asked to let him know when to get together up there and try it.
  • Emergency Planning and Mobilization – Rowland (K7RWB)



    • Regional Network – ARES got all areas together due to Cascadia Rising.John Bromberg has put a list together with all agencies, frequencies, etc.He will continue partnership formed from Cascadia event after it is over.And we will be able to benefit from this.(NOTE: Cascadia Rising, June 7-9) is a 9.0 earthquake drill involving 3 states.)
    • We would like to swap out old Motorola radios (from Big Rock, Mountain View Rd.) since they cannot be programmed (since it needs old DOS computer with Motorola software).We will ask Fire to see if they will underwrite or share in the price of new radios (Kenwood TMV-71A) for those locations, plus one for the City of Duvall, Public Works location.
  • Education & Community Outreach – Larry (N7ART)
    Technician Class schedule for May 7 & 14, 9-5 with exam 3-5 on the 14th. So far 19 have signed up.We need Hams to volunteer for teaching the class (Larry and Rowland will do this) and also to demo radios.After the class is over, he will administer a short review survey to see what worked and what didn't work, as well as to find out where they heard about the class. This will help for future classes.
  • VE Session –We need more trainers, so we'll ask Dave to give a VE class to get more VEs in the club.



    Old Business

  • Duvall Days Fun Run – Irvina (KC7YJK)
  • Volunteer list has been compiled and passed around to see if more folks would sign up for traffic control during the event.
  • Carnation 4th traffic controlDan (KA7GPP)
  • Sign of sheet was passed around for volunteers.We still could use a few more.
  • City of Carnation gives a map with where to park, detours, etc.There will be more information when we get closer to the date.
  • For those who weren't able to get to the Traffic Control class, we can get a copy of the presentation to you if desired.
  • Carnation SpaceRowland (K7RWB)
  • The city has reconfigured some of the groups up there.We are still the same.
  • We traded with Jack and gave him Jerry's Slim Jim.We still need brackets before we can install the new loop antenna.Discussion around how to do this most economically since parapet brackets are very expensive.Some ideas included C-clamps from Harbor Freight and weld to it (need estimate from welder on 203) and fiberglass poles.
  • New Business

  • CDCCC Board Meeting Report — Dan (KA7GPP)
  • The Board voted to let anyone who has participated in a CDCCC drillor event will be eligible to receive one free class within a 12 month period of the drill/event.This includes CERT training, First Aid/CPR training, Tech license training, with all costs being covered by CDCCC.
  • There will be an earthquake tabletop exercise in September for which we'd like someone from SnoVARC to participate.
  • Open Discussion

  • Net Night Rowland (K7RWB) Participation is getting very light.  So he's like something to add, topics to chat about, so that people have another reason to call in.
  • Proposed Elmer Topics — Ralph (KC7QXD) went to the radio club in Redmond.  They have presentations every month.  If we'd be interested in a session on Hex beams, when would be a good time?  October was suggested.  So Ralph will call to see if he can do it at that time.
  • ELMER SESSION:  Operating Modes APRS, Digital, Etc – Ken (W7ECK)& Shawn (K7ATA)

    Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Lindy Friedlander

    Upcoming Events


  • 05/07/16: First Aid/CPR Class – Saturday, 8AM-4PM, Tolt Congregational Church
  • 05/07/16: Technician License Class (1st day), 9AM-5PM; Duvall Fire Station
  • 05/14/16: Technician License Class (Final day), 9AM-3PM; Exam 3-5; Duvall Fire Station
  • 06/02/16: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station; ELMER SESSION: FIELD DAY PREP
  • 06/05/16: Fun Run, more details TBD
  • 06/25-06/26/16: Field Day 2016; Camp Korey (95% sure); more details TBD
  • 07/04/16: Carnation 4th of July traffic control: more details TBD
  • 07/07/16: SnoVARC Meeting, Thursday, 7PM, Duvall Fire Station; ELMER SESSION: history of the time signal, including WWVB Station History and Q/A – Paul Lemson (W9PL)

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