August 2021 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC Business Meeting Minutes – August 5, 2021 

Ralph KC7QXD 

Howard WA1HEM 

Robin WA7CPA 


Shawn K7ATA 

Lindy KG7IFA 

Paul W7PFB 

Tom called the meeting to order at 6:15p. 

Tom asked for a Motion to accept the July minutes.  Ralph moved and Shawn seconded. The July minutes were unanimously approved. No further motions made. 

Lindy gave the Treasurer’s report. Club balance as of Aug 1 was $10,839.83, although July financials have not yet been approved by CDCCC. The only activity was from two new members and a matching donation from Microsoft this month. The club stands at 32 current members compared to 31 last year. Tom asked to approve the Treasurers report. A motion was made by Howard and Seconded by Paul. Unanimously approved. No further motions made.  

Shawn gave Tech committee meeting update. Shawn gave an update on the Cougar Mountain power supply failure. It was replaced with a new power supply. Concern over the 25-year-old power amp. The committee is evaluating new power amps. They are also evaluating new repeater options. Reports that current repeater is losing sensitivity. Ralph brought up the past interest in narrow band and possible future digital use. Paul’s 220 repeater is dead. Needs to get RMA from Bridgecom to return and repair. Possibly in late august. Conversation ensued. No motions made.  

Paul gave Emcomm committee update. Rowland has had email exchanges with architect. Conduit into wall straight up to weather head. Also discussing adding posts through the roof set apart. The architect suggest that we will be able to walk on roof. Discussed adding roof sleds. Ralph suggested that we might not need sleds if we have posts. Paul explained that it is the roof material that counts and selecting the right material opens more options for the future.  Ralph asked which coax will be used. Technical details will be discussed by the Tech committee.  Conversations ensued. No motions made 

Irvina (absent) – Tom reported no updates on education or training. 

Kirk (absent) – Tom reported no updates on Rookie Roundtable. 

Paul gave an update on the Carnation shack. He suggested that we go to the shack in carnation during the week of the 23rd to sort through items. He also suggested that the hardcase in the shack could be brought up to evac hill for storage right now.  Moving things out will free up more space to make it easier to go through the rest of the equipment. No further updates.  No motions made. 

Old business 

Tom – We will delay club shirts until Sandy is able to show samples in person. All badges are up to date.  

Marketing update – Howard asked if a small budget (around $50/month) could be allocated for mailings to new members since there are too few email addresses provided. Conversation ensued. No motions made.  

Shawn brought up an end of summer Snovarc bbq as an outreach to the community (‘burger on us’). He will look at the Barn at Tolt McDonald Park and come up with more specifics. Conversation ensued. No motions made.  

Tom – planning to have an in person meeting at Station 66 in September. But we’ll only have half the meeting room available to us. We will also have Zoom set up for remote access for those who don’t wish to come in person. NOTE: It is still possible that the virus situation may cause the situation to change.    

Tom updated the group on Carnation July 4th, National Night Out, QSO Virtual ham expo and CERT exercise. No motions made.  

Tom reminded there would be no formal Mini Drills through September.  He also suggested and asked how many thought we needed a message handling exercise later in the year.  

Rowland had asked Tom to discuss getting Snovarc more involved in the state wide 5th Saturday exercise.  Motion to close business meeting. Paul motioned. Shawn seconded. Business meeting ended at 6:57p.

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