June 2016 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm at the Duvall Fire Station by President, Ken Kosters (W7ECK).
Members Present: Larry Backstrom, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Paul Butzi, Bob Decker, David Jam, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Debbie Lermond, Jeanette Mandanas, Jim Meyers, Gerard Repko, Dan Pflugrath, Barb Powrie, Chuck Powrie, Shawn Somers.
Guests Present: Marshall J. Carpenter, Nancy Carpenter, Glendon Pflugrath
Secretary/Treasurer’s Report – Lindy (KG7IFA)
- Minutes from the May meeting were reviewed electronically prior to the meeting and approved at the meeting.
- Current Balance $2,161.13 as of May 24, 2016..
- 2016 Club dues:36 members have paid their dues donation* to date (including those added before & after the meeting). Checks for all those remaining who wish to be members should be made out to CDCCC and brought to the next meeting or mailed with membership application to: CDCCC, PO Box 644, Carnation WA 98014. PLEASE USE THE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION ON THE YAHOO Reflector OR SnoVARC Website.
Committee Reports
Repeater Task Force / Technical Committee – Dan (KA7GPP)
- IRLP Status: Rowland will contact Scott at Ratelco re: HamWEN; Dan will talk to Mike re: political situation on the Tiger Mtn setup to see if we can install IRLP.
Emergency Planning and Mobilization – Rowland (K7RWB)
- Regional Network – Cascadia Rising, June 7-9, is a 9.0 earthquake drill covering WA, OR, northern CA, plus Canada.Jon Bromberg (Sammamish) has put together a list with all agencies and area frequencies; this list will be available to all for future drills and emergency communications.
Education & Community Outreach – Larry (N7ART)
- Technician Class held May 7th and 14th was crowded!A total of 22 individuals took the Technician class; 18 passed and received their license.Additionally, 3 individuals upgraded to General; and one person failed the Extra exam.
- VE Session — We need more VE’s, so we'll ask Dave to give a VE class to get more VEs in the club. Also could use additional instructors.
- Fall Technician Class – As most people agreed that two consecutive Saturday’s work best (as opposed to a Saturday/Sunday class), the fall class has been tentatively scheduled for November 5th and 12th.
Old Business
Duvall Days Fun Run – Irvina (KC7YJK)
- Instructions and course marshal list have been emailed to volunteers, who need to be at their assigned station by 7:30 on Sunday morning.There was some concern that only two people have been assigned to 3rd & Stephens, a very busy intersection.
Carnation 4th traffic control – Dan (KA7GPP)
- Could use a couple more volunteers so shifts could be split.
Carnation Space — Rowland (K7RWB)
- Rowland reported that Chuck Woolfolk had located some clamps, which can be powder-coated, to secure the antenna for the roof on the Carnation space. The membership approved the purchase of whatever is needed to set up the training space in Carnation – including poles and clamps (8 were suggested).Once we have everything purchased, a work party will be scheduled to install everythin
New Business
CDCCC Board Meeting Report — Dan (KA7GPP)
- CDCCC is again having an ice cream social in August
- National Night Out is Tuesday, August 2nd.
- An earthquake tabletop exercise involving local first responders will probably be in September
- CDCCC will have an earthquake drill in mid-September, details TBD
- Kathy asked for SnoVARC volunteers to assist in manning the CDCCC booth at the Sunday Fireman’s Pancake Breakfast after the Fun Run.
- Kathy reported that CERT classes will be starting in September.There has been some discussion regarding the addition of a 9th class session over and above the CERT material; possible topics include radio communications, Map Your Neighborhood concepts, and First Aid/CPR.
ELMER SESSION: Field Day Prep – Gerard will coordinate food for the Saturday pot luck; Ken will handle safety and is the designated representative for Camp Korey; various members are bringing radios and related equipment. Ken will provide access instructions on the Yahoo site.
Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Barb Powrie