November 2017 Meeting Minutes
Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club
Meeting Minutes for November 2, 2017
Meeting called to order 7 p.m. Duvall Fire Station #45 by Tom Needham, WA7TBP.
Nineteen members present: Robin Amundson, Larry Backstrom, Terry Beedle, Kathy Brasch, Rowland Brasch, Rick Burns, Joe Carpenter, Nancy Carpenter, Linda Hanson, Milton Hanson, Ken Kosters, Ralph Lease, Debbie Lermond, Irvina Mizell, Jim Myers, Tom Needham, Dan Pflugrath, Chuck Powrie, Shawn Somers, John Tharp
Two future ham guests present: Rich Widdle (no call sign), Melodie Gibbs (no call sign)
Secretary Report by Robin Amundson, WA7CPA.
Robin reminded all to sign the State Daily Activity Report and the Meeting Sign-In Sheet and to sign up for the holiday dinner. Kathy Brasch clarified the dinner is not December 2, but December 7. All agreed the dinner would be at Ixtapa on Redmond Ridge.
Robin asked for motion to accept October minutes as published for review prior to the meeting in club IO newsgroup. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the minutes.
Treasurer Report by Robin Amundson, WA7CPA, for Lindy Friedlander, KG7IFA. Robin reported the current bank balance as of October 25, 2017, not yet approved by CDCCC Board, is $1,010.94 per the agenda prepared by Lindy Friedlander. One member at the meeting wanted to pay his dues by cash, but Robin asked him to defer paying until he could bring a check.
Committee and Task Force Reports
Repeater task force-Shawn (K7ATA)
Shawn reported the repeater computer has been a target of an automated attack. The 64-character password, says Shawn, is nearly impossible to crack. The raspberry pi powered off the equipment and everything on the rack was reset.
Jim, W7ABD, replaced the battery in the Bell repeater.
Emergency planning and mobilization-Ralph, KC7QXD. Kathy Brasch, K7KJB, let us know planning for next year’s drill scenario is already underway with thoughts for a 2018 field exercise at Tolt Carnation Park. She asked for any thoughts or suggestions to be incorporated into the scenario.
Education & community outreach-Larry, N7ART.
Larry reported he reserved the Duvall FD45 meeting space on April 22 and 29 for licensing classes. Tom interjected there may be a partnership possibility with Stillwater Elementary community with space available for the technician classes there.
It was generally agreed the Tuesday evening new ham net run by Dan, KA7GPP, has many listeners and is garnering many positive comments from the broad reach of the club repeater. Club members have heard the net recommended even on other repeaters. Lots of good questions come up on the Tuesday night net.
The donation of the 2016 ARRL Handbook to the club library was again mentioned and acknowledged.
Carnation space-Paul, KG7STV. Jim, W7ABD (for Paul) reported no one has taken him up on the offer for assistance on third Saturdays at the Carnation Space. He is there to help any members appropriately licensed learn to use the shack equipment. He is also able to help folks with technical issues.
There has been a replacement of the coil system (under warranty, at no cost) for the CX333 vertical antenna the club purchased earlier this year as a replacement for the GP6. An old GP9 vertical antenna also needs some attention.
Rowland, K7RWB, suggested the club needs to provide radio tech consulting to City of Carnation. They need new radios.
Old Business
2017 Region-wide Exercise Review and 2018 Suggestions
Kathy, K7KJB, reported 75 Duvall volunteers took part in the September 30 region-wide exercise. It was first-time participation with the Evergreen Clinic, and Nancy, KI7EMC, headed triage. A Sheriff’s helicopter landing was another first for a drill. Also noted were the special needs shelter, and Irvina running the shelter kitchen. Tom, WA7TBP, described his and Ralph’s (KC7QXD), decision to select Robin, WA7CPA, to “throw under the bus” as a new net control for the event. Tom praised Barb for delivering the received messages in rapid fashion throughout the fire station.
Grant Application
Tom is responsible for conveying vertical antenna specs on a CSA Grant in cooperation with Stillwater Elementary School.
New Business
SnoVARC/CERT Volunteers Needed for Duvall Tree Lighting Ceremony
Kathy, K7KJB, said radio and CERT volunteers are needed December 1 for about half an hour to help direct in Santa’s vehicle to protect citizens from the fire truck on December 1.
Motion for New Battery for Carnation Cross Band Repeater
Jim, W7ABD, made a motion to approval spending $175 for a replacement battery (standard UBS deep cycle) for the Carnation Cross Band Repeater. A motion was made and carried for club funds to be used to purchase the battery
Table at Mike & Key Swap Meet
Rowland, K7RWB, asked for a motion for a table for selling any club or personal equipment cooperatively at the Puyallup Fairgrounds swap meet sponsored by Mike & Key. There was discussion and a decision made to defer a decision for a month or so. It was brought to attention the club banner is out of date and needing replacement. Shawn, K7ATA, said Buttonsmith in Carnation could be a good local vendor for a new banner.
Map Library
Ben, KG7BTU, was absent due to new fatherhood. It was announced Ben and his wife have a newborn baby! Congratulations to Ben and his wife!
The concept of the map library was explained by Tom, WA7TBP, as one residing at the fire stations and City Hall to grab and run with in an emergency situation.
Big Moving and SK Donation
SnoVARC has been beneficiary to a large donation of equipment from a ham who recently moved to Philippines. The donation included legacy items from the donor’s SK uncle. The donation is the result of past personal contact with Larry, N7ART. Shawn, K7ATA, responded to the urgent call to pick up ALL the items, usable or not. Shawn and his XYL logged every item and Shawn has been determining what is usable by the club versus what could and should be sold. Shawn has been working on valuations for the items. Whatever the club keeps must be added to the asset list for the depreciation schedule. Shawn gave us the highlights of the extent of the generous donation.
Elmer Session:
After the general meeting, Rowland, K7RWB, gave us a presentation on his Red Cross deployment in Beaumont Texas during the post-hurricane flooding event. The club is proud of Rowland and his service with the Red Cross. Thank you, Rowland.
Upcoming Events
November 13, 2017: Generator Safety Class, 7-9 PM, Duvall FD45
December 1, 2017: Duvall Tree Lighting Festival—SnoVARC radio volunteers needed for about half an hour.
December 7, 2017: Annual dinner out at Ixtapa Redmond Ridge, 6:30 p.m. Please notify Lindy, of any additions or deletions to the sign-up that was passed around at the meeting. Deadline for restaurant is Monday, December 4.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Robin Amundson, WA7CPA