February 2022 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC February 3, 2022 Business Meeting Minutes


Paul W7PFB

Shawn K7ATA

Rowland K7RWB

Kirt K7KDW


Ralph KC7QXD

Lindy KG7IFA



Bruce Prior

Colin KI7HWT


Keith KJ7ALM

Irvina W7IRM

Roland K7FOP


Tom called the meeting to order at 6:15pm

Nominations for President were opened. There were no nominations other than Tom. Nominations were closed.  Discussion to suspend written voting for President and vote by show of hands. Motion was made by Paul. Kirt seconded. Motion passed.

Tom WA7TBP was voted to serve another 2 year term, and Tom agreed to serve as SnoVARC President.

Tom asked for motion to accept the January minutes as there were no corrections requested – Bob motioned and Kirt seconded. The January minutes were unanimously accepted.

Lindy gave the Treasurers report- The club had a bank balance of $17,150.87. There are 17 current paying members for 2022. Tom called for a motion to accept the treasurers report – Bob motioned and Ken seconded. The Treasurer’s report was accepted unanimously.

Shawn gave a Tech Committee report.  A Kenwood repeater is the preferred repeater to be purchased. The Myers repeater was moved from the Myers property to Rowland’s to be tested and prepped for install at its new location. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Rowland – gave the EmComm meeting update. The Tuesday EmComm meeting was mostly focused on the new Repeater replacement. A Kenwood repeater will be purchased. Ryan is working on getting this done. Rowland discussed having a Regional net with other participating clubs and needs to speak with them about logistics. The biggest issue for having a regional net is coverage. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Irvina talked about community outreach.  Needs to step down from position. Tom accepted resignation. Tom talked about future HAM classes. There is a tentative class scheduled for May7/May 14 8AM-4PM at a location Issaquah has secured for their club.  SNOVARC offered to help with training and testing  and send folks there for Tech training. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.

Kirk gave the Rookie Round Table update. Volunteer net controllers can sign up on Groups.io. No motions were made.

Paul –gave the Carnation shack update. Need to do inventory. Need to dispose of redundant and unwanted equipment. Conversation ensued. No motions were made. Fire stations are being burglarized and we may not want to move equipment to the fire station.  Ken will ask if Carnation Farms can provide space to SnoVARC for some equipment storage when we have to leave City Hall. Maybe find a new space for the Carnation “Shack” in case it turns out there won’t be room for us in the new City Hall. Conversations ensued. No motions were made.

Tom and Rowland discussed the club purchasing shirts for members. Different ideas for providing tee-shirts ensued, including the club paying a fixed amount (perhaps $30) and letting members upgrade if desired. They are working with Sandy to see if a ‘store’ can be set up for members to put in their orders instead of us having to purchase inventory. The SnoVARC Board may need to meet to work out the details. No motions were made.

Rowland talked about badging. Badges are on the way for people requesting one. In July, he will begin getting updated badges for folks with the 1/2023 expiration so that they don’t all have to be created at once.

Marketing committee – no information. Tom and Howard still need to meet.

Tom – gave the January 20th mini drill update. 8 stations 6m tune-up, FM and side band were used. Discussion about propagation ensued. No motions were made. Next mini drill on February 17th will be to practice messaging.

Tom – May 14 proposed outdoor CERT Review exercise. Details to follow.

Rowland – Introduced Bruce Prior for Elmer session about Summits on the Air Tom called the meeting to an end at 6:55p. Motion – Rowland motioned and Kirt seconded. Motion Carried.

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