March 2022 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC March 3, 2022 Business Meeting Minutes

Ralph KC7QXD 

Shawn K7ATA 

Paul  B W7PFB 


Howard WA1HEM 


Lindy KG7IFA


Rowland K7RWB 

Lynn N7CFO  

Kirt K7KDW 

Paul Z W7PEZ 

Ken K WA7KK 

Tom called the meeting to order at 6:15p 

Tom asked for motion to accept the February minutes. Rowland motioned, seconded by Howard. The minutes were accepted unanimously. 

Lindy gave the Treasurer’s report. The current club bank account balance $17,570.54. The club currently has 19 paid members. Tom asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion accepted unanimously.  

Tom discussed the new repeater hardware. Tom explained that the Tech committee suggested the group proceed with 150W power supply. No further updates from Shawn. No issues with Cougar Mountain repeater.  Ken explained that the noise heard during Kabara net was the link from Kabara to the PI box. The wall-wart died and was causing the interference. The wall-wart has since been replaced and the noise has been eliminated.  Tom mentioned that he enjoyed the ARRL news transmission on the repeater. Shawn suggested that we publish the time it plays on air. Shawn also suggested adding a line to the net script to mention it. Tom agreed that adding that after the pilot / trial period was a good idea. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.  

Rowland mentioned that a team will meet at 9am at the Myers new repeater site to meet the installer on Friday. The plan is to get the antenna and mast set up. Repeater box will be brought up at a later date. The repeater has been fully tested and is ready to go. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.  

Tom mentioned that the Carnation repeater was running fine.  

Rowland updated the group on the Emcomm / Tech committee meeting. The regional info net had their first meeting. All agreed to make the net happen and it should include social and educational net and emergency drills. There are still issues with selecting a repeater that would allow full coverage. Possibly meet on Zoom or for lunch. The plan is to get everyone familiar with others in the area. There was a suggestion that we have a meeting on 75 or 80 meters. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.  

Tom reiterated that Irvina stepped down as Education lead and that it is open to others who may be interested.  Bob explained that the education program needs to include how to program radios, especially for the CERTS. Tom agreed that the follow-up for new licensed HAMs needs to improve.  Bob mentioned that the City of Issaquah has opened up the Issaquah Public Works building for the Issaquah CERTS. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.  

Tom mentioned that there will be a CERT exercise on May 14th. He is requesting HAMs to volunteer.  

Rowland suggested that we need to “pump out” radio operators rather than just take and pass the test.  

Kirt gave an update on Rookie Round table.  No motions were made.  

Paul B asked what the purpose of adding asset tags to the equipment would be. Rowland explained that the tags would track items, cost, age, etc. Ken explained how the tags are used at his employer. Lindy requested to be involved in future asset tag discussion. Lindy also explained that she needs to renew equipment insurance in two weeks. The group agreed that Lindy should use the existing equipment list for the renewal. Ralph asked where the equipment would be relocated to. Finding space is still an open question. Discussion ensued. No motions were made.  

Rowland – no new info on club shirts and badges.  

Howard – no new marketing update 

Tom updated on the last mini drill passing messages which was a success. There will be a March 17th Mini message drill.   

No old business.  

Tom asked for ideas regarding this year’s field day. No new info on whether the Fire station classroom will be available.  

Tom mentioned that both his and Paul’s 220mhz repeater are down.  

Tom asked for a motion to close the business meeting. Paul motioned and Rowland seconded. The meeting was closed at 6:55pm.

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