June 2022 Meeting Minutes
Snoqualmie Valley Radio Club
Monthly Meeting Minutes
June 2nd, 2022
I. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. at Duvall Fire Station 66. Tom asked for a volunteer to take minutes as Howard is out of town. Mike, KJ7JNG, via Zoom, volunteered to take the minutes.
Members in attendance were:
Tom – President, Kirt – Vice President, Lindy (Zoom) – Treasurer, Rowland, Shawn, Ken, Paul Butzi, Paul Zoba, Konstantin Ostrovskiy (possible new member), Mike KJ7JNG (Zoom), Ralph (Zoom), Bob KI7RMO (Zoom), and others.
II. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
The meeting notes were not taken during the last member meeting.
III. Treasury Report and Financials
Lindy presented the May 2022 financials to the members in attendance. Currently there is $15,185.57 in the treasury and SNOVARC has 33 paying members. The Treasurer’s report was approved by the members.
IV. Old Business
Myers Repeater – The Myers repeater has been successfully moved to the final location on the ridge. Various members have tested the repeater and the coverage has greatly improved since moving to the final location. The time is 10 minutes off, but that will be corrected once someone can access the site with a computer. Suggestion: Ask the owner of the property that hosts the Myers repeater to allow an internet connection to the equipment to allow remote repairs and upgrades to the equipment. The X-band repeater that connects to the Myers repeater is also working well. Proposal approved: Provide the Finch family with a $100 gift card for allowing the club to place the new repeater on their property.
Cougar Mountain Repeater – Delivery of the new Kenwood hardware has been delayed and there is no estimated time of delivery. Intermittent noise has been reported by users of the Cougar Mountain repeater. Could it be the PA? Another radio keying up at the same time? Maybe inter-mod from adjacent heliax cable? The noise will need to be investigated if it continues.
Education and outreach – The most recent ham radio class in Issaquah has graduated many Tech and General ham operators, but the interest in maintaining activity on the radio quickly goes away after the ham receives their license. At one time the Snoqualmie radio club would follow-up with the newly licensed ham with a 6-hour course to train those new hams on a specific radio to provide hands-on training to keep the interest high and the new ham active. The Snoqualmie model could be used by SNOVARC. Tom is in discussion with some members of the Issaquah Amateur Radio Club (IARC) for a joint IARC and SNOVARC project to provide some hands-on training for these new hams.
Marketing – Tom has run a report to identify licensed hams within the Duvall and Carnation zip codes. He was surprised by the high numbers of hams in the area. SNOVARC can reach out to those hams to let them know that SNOVARC is active, close, and looking for new members
Rookie Roundtable – Kirt reported he has not been the Net Control the RR for the past two weeks. Tom mentioned that he heard some hams from eastern Washington via the KBARA link during the last rookie roundtable and they sounded happy to join the discussion.
Carnation existing space – The current space in City Hall is at risk due to a new policy by the new city manager. Paul and Rowland will do their best to justify keeping the radio equipment in City Hall and active in Carnation. By providing information on past volunteerism by CDCCC and SNOVARC members, Rowland and Paul hope to show that volunteers have sufficient value to the city (volunteer hours are valued at approx. $30.00 hr). For example, traffic control during events in Carnation that are currently done by volunteers should be considered as an added value to the City of Carnation before SNOVARC is forced to vacate the space in City Hall.
Inventory Tags – Inventory tags will be placed on equipment that is owned and operated by SNOVARC. The tags will clearly state Snoqualmie Valley Amateur Radio Club (SnoVARC)
Shirts and badges – Members who have had King County Emergency Volunteer badges for a few years need to know that their badges will expire soon, and all around the same time as other members. Rowland will be replacing cards in a rollout after verifying continued interest. Please look at your badges and contact Rowland with your expiration date, so he can reregister you with King County. If you have questions, please contact Rowland.
May 19th exercise – Power level test on simplex and repeater frequencies went very well.
V. New Business
June 16th exercise – During the next exercise, the members will utilize the new Myers repeater and the X-band repeater at different power levels.
Upcoming local events – June 4th is Duvall Day, June 14th Cascadia Rising (no ham radio communications will be tested during this event), July 4th Carnation celebration, next SnoVARC meeting on July 7th Elmer: Role of radio communications during the Oso landslide.
Tonight’s Elmer session will be a Psychological First Aid Class presented by some Red Cross volunteers.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.