October 2020 Meeting Minutes


October 1, 2020


Tom (WA7TBP) 

Howard (WA1HEM) 

Lindy (KG7IFA) 

Shawn (K7ATA) 

Irvina (w7IRM) 

Kirt (K7KDW) 

Rowland (K7RWB) 

Ralph (K7QXD) 

Paul (W7PFB) 

Robin (WA7CPA)

Tom called the business meeting to order 18:17 

There was a Moment of Silence for Jim Myers (W7ABD)  

Tom made a Motion to accept the previous months Minutes into record. Motion was approved unanimously.  

Lindy gave a treasurer’s update. Current cash balance was $10,177.79. Tom made a Motion to approve the treasurer’s report. All approved.  

Tom asked the group to discuss how much minimum cash to hold in the bank as a rainy-day fund amount. Conversation ensued.  The Team suggested an amount between $2000 to $3000. No motions were made. 

The group discussed acquiring LED lights, generator and potentially a Roady-box  (that can hold equipment and be bolted to floor) for use at evac hill.  

Shawn – gave a repeater status update. He stated that all are now running well. He raised the question as to what to do with Bell repeater? Conversation ensued. No Motions were made. 

Shawn mentioned that we have around 1 -2 weeks of good weather to move items (including the rack) up to the Cougar Mountain Repeater. Suggested that a team go up in a weekend over next few weeks. Conversation ensued. No motions were made. 

Irvina – mentioned that a few folks found SnoVarc online asking for classes. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.  

There was no Carnation shack update.  Paul suggested to Tom that he take the GP 15 up to Evac Hill to test propagation. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.  

Rowland – asked about setting HF up in the Highlands and asked Shawn about what was the concept? Shawn – mentioned that we would use remote software to access the HF unit but did not know where to set it up?      

Lindy said that if the HF rig can get setup and if her DSL internet access is sufficient enough then HF can be setup at her place. However, Shawn indicated a location that had line of sight to City Hall is preferred. Conversation ensued. No motions were made. 

Shawn – asked if we could use Starlink or have it donated. Shawn suggested that he would contact Starlink. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.  

OLD Business 

Tom update on CERT drill run on Zoom – described how it went well. MRC, SnoVarc and CERT exercise simulated Tolt hill Damn failure. Conversation ensued. No motions were made.  

Next mini drill is October 15th – Tom solicited new ideas from the group. No motions were made.  


A Jim Myers Award discussion.  

Ralph motioned to rename the Bell repeater to the “Myers Repeater” – the motioned was seconded by Howard and Rowland. All approved. The motion passed unanimously. 

Tom motioned to create “The Jim Myers Service and Spirit Award” which was seconded by Ralph and Robin. The motion was unanimously approved. A second motion was made by Tom to posthumously give the 2020 award to Jim (for his dedicated service to the club and demonstrated spirt to ham radio) and present the certificate to his widow. The motion was seconded by several members and was unanimously approved. 

Tom indicated that we need a list of criteria for future awards and discussion offline regarding the actual award: gift certificate or donated equipment. 

Tom indicated that the club may want to have a memorial of some kind for Jim since attendance is limited for the family memorial.  Tom will talk more with Robin, etc. about that. 

Rowland – spoke with Lynn Burlingam  about SSC – special service club – Rowland asked to approve getting Status for Snovarc. The motion was approved  Tom closed the business meeting at 18:56

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