Author: admin

August 2021 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC Business Meeting Minutes – August 5, 2021  Ralph KC7QXD  Howard WA1HEM  Robin WA7CPA  Tom WA7TBP  Shawn K7ATA  Lindy KG7IFA  Paul W7PFB  Tom called the meeting to order at 6:15p.  Tom asked for a Motion to accept the July minutes.  Ralph moved and Shawn seconded. The July minutes were unanimously approved. No further motions made. ...

July 2021 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC Business Meeting Minutes – July 1st, 2021  Ralph KC7QXD  Howard WA1HEM  Paul W7PFB  Robin WA7CPA  Rowland K7RWB  Tom WA7TBP  Shawn K7ATA  Bob  KI7RMO  Bryce KK5SPT  Lindy KG7IFA  Tom called the meeting to order at 6:16  Tom called to accept a motion to approve the June minutes. Rowland motioned and Shawn seconded. The motion passed...

June 2021 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC Business Meeting Minutes – June 3rd,  2021  Tom WA7TBP  Rowland K7RWB  Howard WA1HEM  Robin WA7CPA  Irvina W7IRM  Shawn K7ATA  Kirt K7KDW  Paul W7PFB  Ralph KC7QXD  Ken W7ECK  Tom called the meeting to order at 6:15pm  Tom requested approval of May’s minutes. Paul motioned and Ralph seconded. Motion passed unanimously.   Tom gave Treasurer’s report –...

May 2021 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC Business Meeting Minutes – May 6th 2021  Tom WA7TBP  Howard WA1HEM  Robin WA7CPA  Irvina W7IRM  Shawn K7ATA  Kirt K7KDW  Paul W7PFB  Ralph KC7QXD  Ken W7ECK  Tom called the meeting to order at 6:16pm  Tom requested approval of April’s minutes. Shawn motioned and Paul seconded. Motion passed unanimously.   Tom gave Treasurer’s report – The club...

April 2021 Meeting Minutes

April 8th, 2021 SnoVarc Business Meeting Minutes Tom (WA7TBP)  Howard (WA1HEM)  Lindy (KG7IFA)  Irvina (W7IRM)  Ralph (KC7QXD)  Paul (W7PFB)  Robin (WA7CPA)  Shawn (K7ATA)  Kirt (K7KDW)  Rowland (K7RWB)  Bob KI7RMO  Tom called the meeting to order at 6:15p  Tom asked for approval of the March meeting minutes.  Paul motioned and seconded by Robin. The March Minutes...

March 2021 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC March 4, 2021 Business Meeting Minutes Attendees:   Tom WA7TBP  Howard WA1HEM  Paul W7PFB  Kirt K7KDW  Ralph KC7QXD  Lindy KG7IFA  Robin WA7CPA  Rowland K7RWB  Shawn K7ATA    Bryce KK5SPT  CW Black WR5J  Doug NR5W  Jessica Phipps KF7UHK  Peter Marchel KJ7GHW    Tom called the meeting to order at 6:17p  Tom asked for the February...

February 2021 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC February 5, 2021 Business Meeting   Robin (WA7CPA) Howard (WA1HEM) Ralph (KC7QXD) Paul (W7PFB) Tom (WA7TBP) Rowland (K7RWB) Lindy (KG7IFA) Kirt (K7KDW) Tom Sinclair (No License) Tom called the meeting to order at 6:17pm. Tom called for a motion to accept the January minutes – Rowland moved, Paul seconded. Motion to accept minutes passed....

January 2021 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC January 7, 2021 Business Meeting Minutes Attendees: Tom (WA7TBP)  Howard (WA1HEM)  Lindy (KG7IFA)  Irvina (W7IRM)  Ralph (KC7QXD)  Paul (W7PFB)  Lynn (N7CFO)  Robin (WA7CPA)  Shawn (K7ATA)  Kirt (K7KDW)  Rowland (K7RWB)  Tom (WA7TBP) called the meeting to Order @ 18:17  Tom made a motion to accept 11/2020 minutes -Members approved unanimously.  Lindy (KG7IFA) presented the opening...

November 2020 Meeting Minutes

SnoVARC November 5, 2020 Business Meeting Minutes Attendees: Paul (W7PFB) Howard (WA1HEM) Ralph (KC7QXD) Tom (WA7TBP) Rowland (K7RWB) Kirt (K7KDW) Robin (WA7CPA) Lindy (KG7IFA) Irvina (W7IRM) Scott (N7SS) Paul Zoba (W7PEZ) Scott Honaker (N7SS) Ken Kosters (W7ECK) Tom (WA7TBP) Called the meeting to order at 18:16 Motion to accept the minutes motioned by Kirt (K7KDW) and...

October 2020 Meeting Minutes

SNOVARC BOARD MEETING MINUTES October 1, 2020 Attendees:  Tom (WA7TBP)  Howard (WA1HEM)  Lindy (KG7IFA)  Shawn (K7ATA)  Irvina (w7IRM)  Kirt (K7KDW)  Rowland (K7RWB)  Ralph (K7QXD)  Paul (W7PFB)  Robin (WA7CPA) Tom called the business meeting to order 18:17  There was a Moment of Silence for Jim Myers (W7ABD)   Tom made a Motion to accept the previous months...